106 STAT. 1038 PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 "(12) making available to service delivery areas appropriate information and technical assistance to assist in developing and implementing joint programs, including youth corps programs, in which activities supported under this Act are coordinated with activities supported under the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq.).". SEC. 122. STATE EDUCATION COORDINATION AND GRANTS. Section 123 of the Act (29 U.S.C. 1533) is amended to read as follows: "STATE EDUCATION COORDINATION AND GRANTS "SEC. 123. (a) ALLOTMENT.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall allot to the Governor for allocation to any State education agency the sums made available to carry out this section under sections 202(c)(1)(C) and 262(c)(1)(C) to pay for the Federal share of carrying out the projects described in paragraph (2). In allocating such funds to the State education agency, the Governor shall not establish requirements governing the geographic distribution of funds under this section. "(2) PROJECTS.— Funds allocated under paragraph (1) may be used to pay for the Federal share of carrying out projects (in accordance with agreements under subsection (b)) that— "(A) provide school-to-work transition services of demonstrated effectiveness that increase the rate of graduation from high school, or completion of the recognized equivalent thereof, including services that increase the rate at which school dropouts return to regular or alternative schooling and obtain a high school degree or its equivalent, and, which may include, services to support multiyear dropout prevention programs of demonstrated effectiveness; "(B) provide literacy and lifelong learning opportunities and services of demonstrated effectiveness that— "(i) enhance the knowledge and skills of educationally and economically disadvantaged individuals; and "(ii) result in increasing the employment and earnings of such individuals; "(C) provide statewide coordinated approaches, including model programs, to train, place, and retain women in nontraditional employment; and "(D)(i) facilitate coordination of education and training services for eligible participants in projects described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C); or "(ii)(I) support activities pertaining to a State human resources investment council that meets the requirements of title VII and includes each of the programs described in clauses (i) through (vii) of section 701(b)(2)(A); or "(II) support activities pertaining to a State council, which carries out functions similar to the functions of the State human resource investment coiuicil described in title VII, if such State council was established prior to July 1, 1992. "(3) FEDERAL SHARE.— The Federal share of the cost of carry- ing out the projects described in paragraph (2) shall be 50 percent. "(b) AGREEMENTS REQUIRED.—