PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1077 under this part during any program year below the number of residential participants during program year 1991 in order to increase the number of individuals who are nonresidential participants in the Job Corps.". (d) CONSERVATION CENTERS. —Section 427 of the Act (29 U.S.C. 1697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(c) No funds appropriated to the Department of Labor for any fiscal year may be used to carry out euiy contract with a nongovernmental entity to administer or manage a Civilian Conservation Center of the Job Corps.". (e) ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES REQUIRED. — Section 428 of the Act (29 U.S.C. 1698) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsections: "(e) The Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, provide child Daycare, care at or near Job Corps centers, for individuals who require child care for their children in order to participate in the Job Corps. "(f) Each Job Corps center shall provide to enrollees who are i^ugs and drug dependent on, or who have a history of abuse of, alcohol or drugs, ^°"se. with counseling and referral to related services necessary to prevent the continueuice or recurrence of such dependency or abuse.". (f) MANAGEMENT FEES. — Section 437 of the Act (29 U.S.C. 1707) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d) The Secretary shall provide all Job Corps contractors with an equitable and negotiated management fee of not less than 1 percent of the contract amount.". SEC. 403. NATIONAL ACTIVITIES (a) IN GENERAL.— Part D of title IV (29 U.S.C. 1731 et seq.) is amended— (1) in section 451, to read as follows: 29 USC 1731. "NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP AND SPECIAL TRAINING PROGRAMS "SEC. 451. (a) STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. —I t is the purpose of this section to— "(1) improve access to employment and training opportunities for individuals with special needs; " (2) help alleviate skill shortages and enhance the competitiveness of the labor force; "(3) meet special training needs that are best addressed on a multistate or industry-wide basis; and "(4) encourage the participation and support of all segments of society to further the purposes of this Act. "(b) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. —The Secretary may establish a system of, and award, special grants to eligible entities to carry out programs that are most appropriately administered at the national level. "(c) PROGRAMS. —Programs that are most appropriately administered at the national level include— "(1) partnership programs with national organizations with special expertise in developing, organizing, and administering employment and training programs at the national. State, and local levels, such as industry and labor associations, public interest groups, community-based organizations representative of groups that encounter special difficulties in the labor market, and other organizations with special knowledge or capabilities in education and training;