106 STAT. 1078 PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 "(2) programs that— (A) address industry-wide skill shortages; "(B) meet training needs that are best addressed on a multistate basis; and "(C) further the goals of increasing the competitiveness of the United States labor force; and "(3) programs that require technical expertise available at the national level to serve specialized needs of particular cUent groups, including at-risk youth, offenders, individuals of Hmited-English language proficiency, individuals with disabilities, women, immigrants, single parents, substance abusers, displaced homemakers, youth, older individuals, veterans, school dropouts, public assistance recipients, and other individuals who the Secretary determines require special assistance."; 29 USC 1732. (2) in section 452, to read as follows: "RESEARCH, DEMONSTRATION, AND EVALUATION "SEC. 452. (a) STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. — It is the purpose of this section to assist the United States in expanding employment opportunities and ensuring access to such opportunities for all who desire such opportunities. " (b) PROGRAM ESTABLISHED. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive program of training and employment research, utilizing the methods, techniques, and knowledge of the behavioral and social sciences and such other methods, techniques, and knowledge as will aid in the solution of the employment and training problems of the United States. "(2) STUDIES. —The program established under this section may include studies concerning— "(A) the development or improvement of Federal, State, local, and privately supported employment and training programs; "(B) labor market processes and outcomes, including improving workplace literacy; "(C) policies and programs to reduce unemployment and the relationships of the policies and programs with price stability and other national goals; "(D) productivity of labor; "(E) improved means of using projections of labor supply and demand, including occupational and skill requirements and areas of labor shortages at the national and subnational levels; "(F) methods of improving the wages and employment opportunities of low-skilled, disadvantaged, and dislocated workers, and workers with obsolete skills; "(G) methods of addressing the needs of at-risk populations, such as youth, homeless individuals and other dependent populations, older individuals, and other groups with multiple barriers to employment; "(H) methods of developing information on immigration, international trade and competition, technological change, and labor shortages; and "(I) methods of easing the transition from school to work, from transfer payment receipt to self-sufficiency, from one job to another, and from work to retirement. " (c) PILOT AND DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS. —