PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1081 "(i) enhance the skills, knowledge, and expertise of the personnel who staff employment and training and other closely related human service systems, including service providers; "(ii) improve the quality of services provided to individuals served under this Act and other Federal employment and training programs and encourage integrated service delivery under such programs using—
- (I) where cost effective, interactive communication systems and satellite technology; and
"(II) where possible, staff trained in a variety of Federal human resource programs; "(iii) improve the planning, procurement, and contracting practices pursuant to this Act; and "(iv) provide broad human services policy and planning training to— "(1) private industry council volunteers; and "(II) where appropriate, members of State human resource investment councils and other State councils; "(B) prepare and disseminate staff training curricula and materials, primarily using computer-based technologies, for employment and training professionals and support staff, that focus on enhancing staff competencies and professionalism, including instruction on the administrative requirements of this Act, such as procurement and contracting standards and regulations; and "(C)(i) identify, develop, disseminate, and provide training in the techniques learned from, innovative and successful program models, materials, methods, and information, by using computer-based technologies for organizing a data base and dissemination and commimication system for the Network, and establishing a computer-based communications and dissemination methodology to sheu*e information among employment and training personnel and institutions; and "(ii) in identifying such program models, ensure that consideration shall be given to— "(I) the size and scope of the program; "(II) the length of time that the program has been operating; "(III) the nature and reliability of measurable outcomes for the program; "(IV) the capacity of the sponsoring organization to provide the technical assistance necessary for States and service delivery areas to replicate the program; and "(V) the likelihood that the program will be successful in diverse economic, geographic, and cultural environments. "(3) CHARGES.—The Network may require cost-sharing to offset the actual costs of institute training, materials acquisition, or information dissemination. Any resulting income shall be used in accordeuice with section 141(m).