PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1113 (20) Title VI of the Act is amended by redesignating section 505 (29 U.S.C. 1505) as section 605. (b) FOOD STAMP ACT OF 1977. —Section 5(1) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2014(1)) is amended by striking "section 204(5)" and inserting "section 204(b)(l)(C) or section 264(c)(l)(A). (c) TABLE OP CONTENTS. —The table of contents relating to the Act is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. "Sec. 2. Statement of purpose. "Sec. 3. Authorization of appropriations. "Sec. 4. Definitions. "TITLE I-^OB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP "PART A—SERVICE DEUVERY SYSTEM "Sec. 101. Establishment of service delivery areas. "Sec. 102. Establishment of private industry council. "Sec. 103. Functions of private industry council. "Sec. 104. Job training plan. "Sec. 105. Review and approval of plan. "Sec. 106. Performance standards. "Sec. 107. Selection of service providers. "Sec. 108. Limitation on certain costs. "Sec. 109. Recapture and reallotment of unobligated funds. "PART B—ADDITIONAL STATE RESPONSIBILITIES "Sec. 121. Governor's coordination and special services plan. "Sec. 122. State job training coordinating council. "Sec. 123. State education coordination and grants. "Sec. 124. Identification of additional imposed requirements. "Sec. 125. State labor market information programs. "Sec. 126. Authority of State legislature. "Sec. 127. Interstate agreements. "PART C—PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM "Sec. 141. General program requirements. "Sec. 142. Benefits. "Sec. 143. Labor standards. "Sec. 144. Grievance procedure. "Sec. 145. Prohibition against Federal control of education. "PART D—FEDERAL AND FISCAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS "Sec. 161. Program year. "Sec. 162. Prompt allocation of funds. "Sec. 163. Monitoring. "Sec. 164. Fiscal controls; sanctions. "Sec. 165. Reports, recordkeeping, and investigations. "Sec. 166. Administrative adjudication. "Sec. 167. Nondiscrimination. "Sec. 168. Judicial review. "Sec. 169. Administrative provisions. "Sec. 170. Utilization of services and facilities. "Sec. 171. Obligational authority. "Sec. 172. Presidential awards for outstanding private sector involvement in job training programs. "Sec. 173. Construction. "PART E—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS "Sec. 182. Criminal provisions. "Sec. 183. Reference. "Sec. 184. Repealers. "TITLE n—TRAINING SERVICES FOR THE DISADVANTAGED "PART A—ADULT TRAINING PROGRAM "Sec. 201. Statement of purpose. "Sec. 202. Allotment ana allocation. "Sec. 203. Eligibility for services.