PUBLIC LAW 102-382—OCT. 5, 1992 106 STAT. 1445 102-111; 105 Stat. 564), $3,405,000 are rescinded for a net increase of $42,160,000. PuBuc WORKS (RESCISSION) Of the funds appropriated under this heading for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992 in the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1992, approved October 1, 1991 (Public Law 102-111; 105 Stat. 564), $31,308,000 are rescinded. WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER FUND (RESCISSION) Of the funds appropriated under this heading for the fiscal year ending Septemoer 30, 1992 in the District of Coliunbia Appropriations Act, 1992, approved October 1, 1991 (Public Law 102-111; 105 Stat. 564), $560,000 are rescinded. REPAYMENT OF LOANS AND INTEREST (RESCISSION) Of the funds appropriated under this heading for the fiscal year ending Septemoer 30, 1992 in the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1992, approved October 1, 1991 (Public Law 102-111; 105 Stat. 564), $2,544,000 are rescinded. REPAYMENT OF GENERAL FUND DEFICIT For an additional amount for *'Repa}rment of general fund deficit", $2,245,000. RESIZING For the purpose of funding costs associated with the Temporary Appeals Board, downsizing, and early-outs, $5,510,000, to be apportioned by the Mayor of the District of Columbia within the various appropriation headings in this Act from which costs are properly payable. FACILITIES RENT/LEASES For the purpose of funding costs associated with the rental and leasing of facilities for governmental piuposes, $16,667,000. CAPITAL OUTLAY For an additional amount for "Capital outlay", $11,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That of iiie amounts appropriated under this heading in prior fiscal years for the Law School Facility, $10,000,000 are rescinded for a net increase of $1,000,000: Provided further. That $150,000 shall be available for project management and $285,000 for design by the Director of the Department of Public Works or by contract for architectural engineering services, as may be determined by the Mayor.