PUBLIC LAW 102-386—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1517 TITLE II—METROPOLITAN WASHING- ^^J^^S^^ TON WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY S^^e^^nt /l^QT^ Study Act. SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "MetropoUtan Washington Waste Management Study Act". SEC. 202. FINDINGS. The Congress finds that the 1-95 Sanitary Landfill, in Lorton, Virginia, is located on Federal land, and the ultimate responsibility for mcdntaining environmental integrity at such landfill is on the Federal Government, as well as the signatories to the July 1981 1-95 Sanitary Landfill Memorandum of Understanding. SEC. 203. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (a) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. —Except as provided in subsection (b), in order to assure environmental integrity in and around properties owned by the Government of the United States, no expansion of the 1-95 Sanitary Landfill shall be permitted or otherwise authorized unless— (1) an environmental impact statement, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, regarding any such proposed expansion has been completed and approved by the Administrator; and (2) the costs incurred in conducting and completing such environmental impact statement are paid (A) from the landfill's so-called enterprise fund established pursuant to the July 1981 1-95 Sanitary Landfill Memorandiun of Understanding, or (B) in accordance with some other payment formula based on past and projected percentage of the jurisdictional usage of the landfill. (b) EXCEPTION. —(1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the 1-95 Sanitarv Landfill may be expanded for the purpose of the ash monofill planned by the parties to the July 1981 1-95 Sanitary Landfill Memorandum of Understanding if such monofill, subject to paragraph (2), is used solely for the disposal of incinerator ash from such parties. (2) The ash monofill referred to in paragraph (1) may be used for the disposal of solid waste for a meiximum of 30 days whenever a resource recovery facility, or an incinerator and a resource recovery facility, operated for or by the parties to the July 1981 I- 95 Sanitary Landfill Memorandum of Understanding is completely unavailable because of an emergency shutdown. (c) LIMITATION.— Afler December 31, 1995, the 1-95 Sanitary Landfill, including any expansions thereof, shall not be available to receive or dispose of municipal or industrial waste of any kind other than incinerator ash unless the conditions eniunerated in subsection (a) are met. (d) GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the parties of the July 1981 1-95 Sanitary Landfill Memorandum of Understanding, together with the Federal Government, shall continue to be responsible for maintaining environmental stability at the 1-95 Sanitary Landfill, including any expansion, in accordance with applicable laws of the United States, the Commonwealth