106 STAT. 4642 PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 FISH, WILDLIFE, AND RECREATION MITIGATION AND CONSERVATION SCHEDULE I. BUDGET TO IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL RECLAMATION MITIGATION Projects and Features Instream flows: l.a. Lease of Daniels Creek water b. Acquisition of Daniels Creek water rights to restore Upper Strawberry River flows and the Daniels Creek replacement pipeline ($3,500,000 shall be treated as section 8) [Sec. 303(b)] 2.a. Acquisition of 25,000 AF on Prove River for streamflows from Murdock Diversion to Utah Lake [Sec. 302] b. Modify or replace diversion structures on Provo River from Murdock Diversion to Utah Lake [Sec. 302] 3. Study and mitigation plan for excessive flows in the Provo River [Sec. 303(d)] Subtotal Instream flows: l.a. Lease of Daniels Creek water rights b. Acquisition of Daniels Creek water rights to restore Upper Strawberry River flows and the Daniels Creek replacement pipeline ($3,500,000 shall be treated as section 8) [Sec. 303(b)] 2.a. Acquisition of 25,000 AF on Provo River for streamflows from Murdock Diversion to Utah Lake [Sec. 302] b. Modify or replace diversion structures on Provo River from Murdock Diverasion to Utah Lake [Sec. 302] 3. Study and mitigation plan for excessive flows in the Provo River [Sec. 303(d)] Subtot al Wildlife lands and improvement: 1. Acquisition of big game winter range [Sec. 305(a)] 2. Construction of big game crossings and escape ramps—Provo Res. Canal, Highline Canal, Strawberry Power Canal or others [Sec. 305(b)] Subtotal Wildlife lands and improvement: 1. Acquisition of big game winter range [Sec. 305(a)] Appropriations (Thousands of 1990 Dollars) TOTAL $500 $10,000 $15,000 $4,000 $500 $30,000 FY96 $0 $0 $0 $500 $100 $600 TOTAL $1,300 $750 $2,050 FY96 $500 FY93 $500 $10,000 $6,000 $500 $100 $16,100 FY97 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 FY93 $0 $0 $0 FY97 $500 FY94 $0 $0 $5,000 $1,500 $100 $6,600 FY98 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FY94 $100 $0 $100 FY98 $0 FY95 $0 $0 5,000 $1,500 $100 $6,600 Fy95 $200 $250 $450