Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/215

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PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 108 STAT. 189 (b) GRANT RENEWAL.— In each fiscal year after the first fiscal year a grantee receives assistance under this title, the grantee shall demonstrate in the application submitted for each fiscal year after such first year that a portion of the services provided by such grantee is supported through non-Federal contributions, which contributions may oe in cash or in kind. SEC. 403. USES OF FUNDS. 20 USC 5913. Grant funds received under this title may be used— (1) for parent training, information, and support programs that assist parents to— (A) better understand their children's educational needs; (B) provide followup support for their children's educational achievement; (C) communicate more effectively with teachers, counselors, administrators, and other professional educators and support staff; (D) participate in the design and provision of assistance to students who are not making adequate educational progress; (E) obtain information about the range of options, programs, services, and resources available at the national. State, and local levels to assist parents described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 401(b); (F) seek technical assistance regarding compliance with the requirements of this title and of other Federal programs relevant to achieving the National Education Goals; (G) participate in State and local decisionmaking; (H) train other parents; and (I) plan, implement, and fund activities that coordinate the education of their children with other Federal programs that serve their children or their families; and (2) to include State or local educational personnel where such participation will further the activities assisted under the grant. SEC. 404. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. 20 USC 5914. The Secretary shall provide technical assistance, by grant or contract, for the establishment, development, and coordination of parent training, information and support programs and parental information and resource centers. SEC. 405. DEFINITIONS. 20 USC 5915. For purposes of this title— (1) the term "parent education" includes parent support activities, the provision of resource materials on child development, parent-cnild learning activities and child rearing issues, f)rivate and group educational guidance, individual and group earning experiences for the parent and child, and other activities that enable the parent to improve learning in the home; (2) the term "Parents as Teachers program" means a voluntary early childhood parent education program that— (A) is designed to provide all parents of children from birth through age 5 with the information and support such parents need to give their child a solid foundation for school success;