note. 108 STAT. 18 PUBLIC LAW 103-211 —FEB. 12, 1994 been reduced to a judgment or settlement agreement approved by the Department of Justice". DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 96 Stat. 873. Section 303 of Public Law 97-257, as amended, is repealed. The seventh proviso under the head "Clean Coal Technology" in Public Law 101-512, and the seventh proviso under the head 42 USC 5903d "Clean Coal Technology^ in Public Law 102-154, both concerning Federal employment, are repealed. CHAPTER 4 DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION ADVANCES TO THE UNEMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND AND OTHER FUNDS For an additional amount for "Advances to the unemployment trust fund and other funds", $61,400,000, to remain available until September 30, 1995. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses" for the current population parallel survey, $10,100,000. CHAPTER 5 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH CONGRESSIONAL OPERATIONS SENATE SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES For an additional amount for "Office of the Secretary", $450,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE For an additional amount for expenses of the "Office of the Secretary of the Senate", $600,000.