Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/297

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PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 2931 ^'§ 14301. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: general rules "(a) ONE-YEAR RULE.— An officer is eligible under this chapter for consideration for promotion by a promotion board convened under section 14101(a) of this title only if— "(1) the officer is on the reserve active-status list of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps; and "(2) during the one-year period ending on the date of the convening of the promotion board the officer has continuously performed service on either the reserve active-status list or the active-duty list (or on a combination of both lists). "(b) REQUIREMENT FOR CONSIDERATION OF ALL OFFICERS IN AND ABOVE THE ZONE.— Whenever a promotion board (other than a vacancy promotion board) is convened under section 14101(a) of this title for consideration of officers in a competitive category who are eligible under this chapter for consideration for promotion to the next higher grade, each officer in the promotion zone, and each officer above the promotion zone, for that grade and competitive category shall be considered for promotion. " (c) PREVIOUSLY SELECTED OFFICERS NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE CONSIDERED. —^A promotion board convened under section 14101(a) of this title may not consider for promotion to the next higher grade— "(1) £01 officer whose name is on a promotion list for that grade as a result of recommendation for promotion to that grade by an earlier selection board convened under that section or section 14502 of this title or under chapter 36 of this title; "(2) an officer who has been approved for Federal recognition by a board convened under section 307 of title 32 and nominated by the President for promotion to the next higher grade as a reserve of the Army or of the Air Force as the case may be; or "(3) an officer who has been nominated by the President for promotion to the next higher grade under any other provision of law. "(d) OFFICERS BELOW THE ZONE. —The Secretary of the military Regulations, department concerned may, by regulation, prescribe procedures to limit the officers to be considered by a selection board from below the promotion zone to those officers who are determined to be exceptionally well qualified for promotion. The regulations shall include criteria for determining which officers below the promotion zone are exceptionally well qualified for promotion. " (e) RESERVE OFFICERS OF THE ARMY; CONSIDERATION FOR BRIGADIER GENERAL AND MAJOR GENERAL.— In the case of officers of the Army, if the Secretary of the Army determines that vacancies are authorized or anticipated in the reserve grades of major general or brigadier general for officers who are on the reserve activestatus list and who are not assigned to units organized to serve as a imit and the Secretary convenes a mandatory promotion board under section 14101(a) of this title to consider officers for promotion to fill such vacancies, the Secretary may limit the officers to be considered by that board to those determined to be exceptionally well qualffied for promotion under such criteria and procedures as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe. "(f) CERTAIN RESERVE OFFICERS OF THE AIR FORCE. —A reserve officer of the Air Force who (1) is in the Air National Guard of the United States and holds the grade of lieutenant colonel,