Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/36

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108 STAT. 4604 PUBLIC LAW 103-438—NOV. 2, 1994 respect to a regional economic integration organization, the applicability of such laws, enforcement mechanisms, and penalties to the foreign states composing such organization. (D) Citations to the Federal antitrust laws, and the foreign antitrust laws, with respect to which such agreement or such memorandum applies. (E) Terms and conditions that specifically require using, disclosing, or permitting the use or disclosure of, antitrust evidence received under such agreement or such memorandum only— (i) for the purpose of administering or enforcing the foreign antitrust laws involved, or (ii) with respect to a specified disclosure or use requested by a foreign antitrust authority and essential to a significant law enforcement objective, in accordance with the prior written consent that the Attorney General or the Commission, as the case may be, gives after— (I) determining that such antitrust evidence is not otherwise readily available with respect to such objective, (II) making the determinations described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 8(a), with respect to such disclosure or use, and (III) making the determinations applicable to a foreign antitrust authority under section 8(a)(1) (other than the determination regarding the assurance described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph), with respect to each additional governmental entity, if any, to be provided such antitrust evidence in the course of such disclosure or use, after having received adequate written assurances applicable to each such governmental entity. (F) An assurance that antitrust evidence received under section 2, 3, or 4 from the Attorney General or the Commission, and all copies of such evidence, in the possession or control of the foreign antitrust authority will be returned to the Attorney General or the Commission, respectively, at the conclusion of the foreign investigation or proceeding with respect to which such evidence was so received. (G) Terms and conditions that specifically provide that such agreement or such memorandum will be terminated if— (i) the confidentiality required under such agreement or such memorandum is violated with respect to antitrust evidence, and (ii) adequate action is not taken both to minimize any harm resulting from the violation and to ensure that the confidentiality required under such agreement or such memorandum is not violated again. (H) Terms and conditions that specifically provide that if the confidentiality required under such agreement or such memorandum is violated with respect to antitrust evidence, notice of the violation will be given—