Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/37

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PUBLIC LAW 103-438—NOV. 2, 1994 108 STAT. 4605 (i) by the foreign antitrust authority promptly to the Attorney General or the Commission with respect to antitrus't evidence provided by the Attorney General or the Commission, respectively, and (ii) by the Attorney General or the Commission to the person (if any) that provided such evidence to the Attorney General or the Commission. (3) The term "Attorney General" means the Attorney General of the United States. (4) The term "Commission" means the Federal Trade Commission. (5) The term "Federal antitrust laws" has the meaning given the term "antitrust laws" in subsection (a) of the first section of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 12(a)) but also includes section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to the extent that such section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition. (6) The term "foreign antitrust authority" means a governmental entity of a foreign state or of a regional economic integration organization that is vested by such state or such organization with authority to enforce the foreign antitrust laws of such state or such organization. (7) The term "foreign antitrust laws" means the laws of a foreign state, or of a regional economic integration organization, that are substantially similar to any of the Federal antitrust laws and that prohibit conduct similar to conduct prohibited under the Federal antitrust laws. (8) The term "person" has the meaning given such term in subsection (a) of the first section of the Cla3^on Act (l6 U.S.C. 12(a)). (9) The term "regional economic integration organization" means an organization that is constituted by, and composed of, foreign states, and on which such foreign states have conferred sovereign authority to make decisions that are binding on such foreign states, and that are directly applicable to and binding on persons within such foreign states, including the decisions with respect to— (A) administering or enforcing the foreign antitrust laws of such organization, and (B) prohibiting and regulating disclosure of information that is obtained by such organization in the course of administering or enforcing such laws. SEC. 13. AUTHORITY TO RECEIVE REIMBURSEMENT. 15 USC 6212. The Attorney General and the Commission are authorized to receive from a foreign antitrust authority, or from the foreign state or regional economic integration organization represented by such foreign antitrust authority, reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Attorney General or the Commission, respectively, in conducting an investigation under section 3 requested by such for-