Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/1037

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SUBJECT INDEX B15 Page Palestine Liberation Organization Bank for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa Act 300&-179 Middle East Peace Facilitation Act of 1995 755 Panama Panama Canal Amendments Act of 1995 638 Panama Canal Commission Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 637 Pang, Martin 4490 Parole See Law Enforcement and Crime Patents and Trademarks Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act of 1996 1700 Patents and copjoight cases, compensation 3814 Pennsylvania Clarion River, wild and scenic river, designation 3823 Hydroelectric project deadline, extension 3168 Max Rosenn United States Courthouse, designation 774 Steel Industry American Heritage Area Act of 1996 4252 William J. Nealon Federal Building and United States Courthouse, designation 1412 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Federal oil and gas royalty management, technical corrections 2421 Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act of 1996 1700 Pilots See Transportation PLO See Palestine Liberation Organization Pornography See Law Enforcement and Crime President and Vice President Line Item Veto Act 1200 Presidential and Executive Office Accountability Act 4053 U.S. - Israel free trade benefits, additional authority 3058 Prison See Law Enforcement and Crime Proclamations Bulgaria, most-favored-nation treatment, extension 4567 Burma, immigrant and nonimmigrant entry, suspension 4570 Deaths Page Coroatia, U.S. delegation 4517 Edmund Sixtus Muskie 4512 Jeremy M. Boorda 4536 Saudi Arabia, bombing victims 4543 Emergency declarations Feed grain disaster reserve 4543 Vessels, anchorage and movement 4505 Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, establishment 4561 Special observances Afincan American History Month 4501 America Goes Back to School 4555 American Heart Month 4502 American Red Cross Month 4504 Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month 4530 Breast Cancer Awareness Month 4571 Cancer Control Month 4513 Captive Nations Week 4545 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Day 4542 Child Abuse Prevention Month 4519 Citizenship Day 4558 Constitution Week 4558 Crime Victims' Rights Week 4525 D.A.R.E. Day 4520 Day of Prayer 4515 Day of Remembrance of the Oklahoma City Bombing 4518 Defense Transportation Day 4534 Disability Employment Awareness Month 4575 Domestic Violence Awareness Month 4572 Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A 4515 Farm Safety and Health Week 4557 Father's Day 4541 Flag Day 4540 Flag Week 4540 Gold Star Mother's Day 4567 Greek Independence Day 4511 Hispanic Heritage Month 4560 Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week 4565 Jewish Heritage Week 4525 Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 4546 Labor History Month 4529 Law Day, U.S.A 4528 Loyalty Day 4527 Maritime Day 4537 Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Hohday 4499 Memorial Day 4538 Minority Enterprise Development Week 4549 Month of Unity 4544 Mother's Day 4531