Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/95

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PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 112 STAT. 1925 Sec. 532. Waiver of time limitations for award of certain decorations to certain persons. Sec. 533. Commendation and commemoration of the Navy and Marine Corps personnel who served in the United States Navy Asiatic Fleet from 1910-1942. Sec. 534. Appreciation for service during World War I and World War II by members of the Navy assigned on board merchant ships as the Naval Armed Guard Service. Sec. 535. Sense of Congress regarding the heroism, sacrifice, and service of the military forces of South Vietnam, other nations, and indigenous groups in connection with the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam conflict. Sec. 536. Sense of Congress regarding the heroism, sacrifice, and service of former South Vietnamese commandos in connection with United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam conflict. Sec. 537. Prohibition on members of Armed Forces entering correctional facilities to J)resent decorations to persons who have committed serious violent felonies. Subtitle E—Administration of Agencies Responsible for Review and Correction of Military Records , Sec. 541. Personnel freeze. Sec. 542. Professional staff. Sec. 543. Ex parte communications. Sec. 544. Timeliness standards. Sec. 545. Scope of correction of military records. Subtitle F—Reports Sec. 551. Report on personnel retention. Sec. 552. Report on process for selection of members for service on courts-martial. Sec. 553. Report on prisoners transferred from United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Federal Bureau of Prisons. Sec. 554. Review and report regarding the distribution of National Guard full-time support among the States. Subtitle G—Other Matters Sec. 561. Two-year extension of certain force drawdown transition authorities relating to personnel management and benefits. Sec. 562. Leave wifhout pay for suspended academy cadets and midshipmen. Sec. 563. Continued eligibility under Voluntary Separation Incentive program for members who involuntarily lose membership in a reserve component. Sec. 564. Reinstatement of definition of financial institution in authorities for reimbursement of defense personnel for Government errors in direct deposit of pay. Sec. 565. Increase in maximum amount for College Fund program. Sec. 566. Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii. Sec. 567. Military fiineral honors for veterans. Sec. 568. Status in the Naval Reserve of cadets at the Merchant Marine Academy. Sec. 569. Repeal of restriction on civilian employment of enlisted members. Sec. 570. Transitional compensation for abused dependent children not residing with the spouse or former spouse of a member convicted of dependent abuse. Sec. 571. Pilot program for treating GED and home school diploma recipients as high school graduates for determinations of eligibility for enlistment in the Armed Forces. Sec. 572. Sense of Congress concerning New Parent Support Program and military families. Sec. 573. Advancement of Benjamin O. Davis, Junior, to grade of general on the retired list of the Air Force. Sec. 574. Sense of the House of Representatives concerning adherence by civilians in military chain of command to the standard of exemplary conduct required of commanding officers and others in authority in the Armed Forces. TITLE VI—COMPENSATION AND OTHER PERSONNEL BENEFITS Subtitle A—Pay and Allowances Sec. 601. Increase in basic pay for fiscal year 1999. Sec. 602. Rate of pay for cadets and midshipmen at the service academies. Sec. 603. Basic allowance for housing outside the United States. Sec. 604. Basic allowance for subsistence for reserves. Subtitle B—Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays Sec. 611. Three-month extension of certain bonuses and special pay authorities for reserve forces.