Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4260

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12 2 STA T .4 2 37PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 401 —O CT. 13 , 200 8(D)provides o ftwa re or dire c t h osti ng and s u pport for on l ine investigations of child e x ploitation activities , or, in the alternative, provide users with a secure connection to an alternative s y ste m that provides such capa b ilities, provided that the system is hosted within a governmental agency or a credentialed law enforcement agency . (e) COL L ECTI O NA N DR E P O R TIN G O F DATA. — ( 1 ) I N GENERAL.— T he N ational Internet Crimes A gainst Children Data S ystem established under subsection (a) shall ensure the following

(A) REAL - TI M E REPORTING.—All child exploitation cases involving local child victims that are reasonably detectable using available software and data are, immediately upon their detection, made available to participating law enforce- ment agencies. ( B ) H IG H -PRIORIT YSU SPECTS.— E very 30 days, at min- imum, the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System shall— (i) identify high-priority suspects, as such suspects are determined by the volume of suspected criminal activity or other indicators of seriousness of offense or dangerousness to the community or a potential local victim

and (ii) report all such identified high-priority suspects to participating law enforcement agencies. (C) ANNUAL REPORTS.—Any statistical data indicating the overall magnitude of child pornography traffic k ing and child exploitation in the U nited States and internationally is made available and included in the National Strategy, asisre q uired under section 101(c)(1 6 ). ( 2 ) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the ability of participating law enforcement agencies to disseminate investigative leads or statistical information in accordance with State and local laws. (f) M ANDATORY RE Q UIREMENTS OF NET W OR K .—The National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System established under subsection (a) shall develop, deploy, and maintain an integrated technology and training program that provides— (1) a secure, online system for F ederal law enforcement agencies, ICAC task forces, and other State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies for use in resolving case conflicts, as provided in subsection (d); (2) a secure system enabling online communication and collaboration by Federal law enforcement agencies, ICAC task forces, and other State, local, and tribal law enforcement agen- cies regarding ongoing investigations, investigatory techniques, best practices, and any other relevant news and professional information; (3) a secure online data storage and analysis system for use by Federal law enforcement agencies, ICAC task forces, and other State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies; ( 4 ) secure connections or interaction with State and local law enforcement computer networks, consistent with reasonable and established security protocols and guidelines; ( 5 ) guidelines for use of the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System by Federal, State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies and ICAC task forces; and Guidel i n e s.