Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4261

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12 2 STA T .4 2 38PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 401 —O CT. 13 , 2008 (6)train in g an d t ech nica l a s sistance o n the u seo f the N ational I nternet C ri m es A gainst Children D ata Sy stem b y F ederal , State, local, and tribal la w enforcement agencies and ICAC tas k forces . (g) N ATION A L INT ER NET CRI M E S A G AINST C H IL D REN DATA S Y STEM STEERING COMMITTEE. —T he Attorney G eneral shall estab - lish a National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System Steering Committee to p ro v ide guidance to the Network relating to the program under subsection (f), and to assist in the develop- ment of strategic plans for the System. The Steering Committee shall consist of 10 members with e x pertise in child exploitation prevention and interdiction prosecution, investigation, or preven- tion, including— (1) 3 representatives elected by the local directors of the ICAC task forces, such representatives shall represent different geographic regions of the country

( 2 ) 1 representative of the Department of J ustice O ffice of Information Services; (3) 1 representative from Operation Fairplay, currently hosted at the W yoming Office of the Attorney General; ( 4 ) 1 representative from the law enforcement agency having primary responsibility for hosting and maintaining the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System; ( 5 ) 1 representative of the Federal B ureau of Investigation ’ s Innocent Images National Initiative or R egional Computer Forensic L ab program; (6) 1 representative of the Immigration and Customs E nforcement’s Cyber Crimes Center; ( 7 ) 1 representative of the U nited States P ostal Inspection Service; and ( 8 ) 1 representative of the Department of Justice. (h) A U THORI Z ATION O F A P PROPRIATIONS.—There are authori z ed to be appropriated for each of the fiscal years 200 9 through 2016, $ 2,000,000 to carry out the provisions of this section. SEC.106 . I C A C GR A NTP R O GRA M . (a) ESTA B LISHMENT.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General is authorized to award grants to State and local ICAC task forces to assist in carrying out the duties and functions described under section 104. (2) FORMULA GRANTS.— (A) DE V ELOPMENT OF FORMULA.—At least 75 percent of the total funds appropriated to carry out this section shall be available to award or otherwise distribute grants pursuant to a funding formula established by the Attorney General in accordance with the re q uirements in subpara- graph (B). (B) FORMULA RE Q UIREMENTS.—Any formula estab- lished by the Attorney General under subparagraph (A) shall— (i) ensure that each State or local ICAC task force shall, at a minimum, receive an amount equal to 0.5 percent of the funds available to award or otherwise distribute grants under subparagraph (A); and (ii) take into consideration the following factors


16 .Establi s hmen t.