Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4764

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12 2 STA T .47 41 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8TI T LEX XIX —WAR- RELATE DM ILITAR YCONS TR U CTION AUT H ORI Z ATIONS Subti t leA—F i sca l Y ea r20 0 8P r oj ects Sec . 2 9 0 1 . Aut h ori z e d Ar my co n struction and land ac q uisition p rojects. Sec. 2902. Authorized N a v y construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 290 3 . Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 290 4 . Authorized D e f ense A g encies construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 290 5 . T ermination of authority to carry out fiscal year 2008 Army projects. Subtitle B —Fiscal Year 2009 Projects Sec. 2911. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2912. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. S ubti t le A— F i sca l Yea r20 0 8P r oj ects SEC.2901 . AUTHORIZ E D AR MY CO N STRUCTION AND L AND AC Q UISI - TION P RO J ECTS. (a)INSIDETH E U NITED S T A TES .— U sing a mou n t sa p p r opriat ed pursuant to t h e authori z ation o f appropriations in su b se c tion (c)( 1 ) , the Secretar y of the A rmy may ac q uire rea l property and carry out military construction pro j ects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the follo w ing table


e U nited S t a tes State Insta l lati o nor L o c ation Amo u nt Alask a . ....................... FortW a inw ri gh t ........................ $17,0 00,000 C ali f ornia ................... Fort I rwin ................................... $11, 8 00,000 Colora d o ..................... Fort Carson ................................ $8, 4 00,000 Ge orgia ....................... Fort Gordon ................................ $ 39 ,800,000 H awaii ........................ Sc hofield B arracks ..................... $1 2 , 5 00,000 K ent u ck y .................... Fort Ca mpb ell ............................ $9,900,000 Fort Kno x ................................... $7,400,000 N orth Carolina .......... Fort Bragg .................................. $8,500,000 O klahoma .................. Fort Sill ...................................... $9,000,000 T exas .......................... Fort Bliss .................................... $17,300,000 Fort Hood ................................... $7,200,000 Fort Sam Houston ..................... $54,000,000 V irginia ...................... Fort L ee ...................................... $7,400,000 (b) OU TSIDE THE UNITED STATES.—Using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (c)( 2 ), the Secretary of the Army may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Army: O utside the United States C ountry Installation or Location Amount Ira q ......................... Camp Adder ............................... $13,200,000