Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2586

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123STA T . 2 56 6 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9SEC.15 1 4 . D E F E N SE H E ALT H PROG RA M . Fundsareh ere by au t h o r iz edtobea p propriated f or the D epart -m ent of Defense for fis c a l year 201 0fore x penses , not other w ise pro v ided for, for the Defense H ealth P ro g ram in the amount of $ 1,2 56 ,6 7 5,000 for operation and maintenance . SEC. 1515. DR U G I NTERDICTION AND COUNTER - DRUG ACTI V ITIES , DEFENSE- W IDE. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Depart- ment of Defense for fiscal year 2010 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for Drug I nterdiction and C ounter-Drug A ctivities, Defense-wide in the amount of $ 3 56,603,000. SEC. 151 6 . DEFENSE INSPECTOR GENERAL. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Depart- ment of Defense for fiscal year 2010 for expenses, not otherwise provided for, for the O ffice of the Inspector G eneral of the Depart- ment of Defense in the amount of $ 8 ,876,000. SEC. 151 7 . RELATION TO FUNDING TA B LES. ( a ) A MOUNTSF O R PRO C UR E MENT. —T he amounts authorized to be appropriated by sections 1502, 1503, 150 4 , 1505, 1506, and 1507 shall be available, in accordance with the re q uirements of section 4001, for pro j ects, programs, and activities, and in the amounts, specified in the funding table in section 4102. (b) AMOUNTS FOR R ESE A RC H ,DE V E L O P MENT, TEST, AN DE VALUA- T I ON.—The amounts authorized to be appropriated by section 1508 shall be available, in accordance with the requirements of section 4001, for projects, programs, and activities, and in the amounts, specified in the funding table in section 4202. (c) AMOUNTS FOR OPERATION AND M AINTENANCE.—The amounts authorized to be appropriated by section 150 9 shall be available, in accordance with the requirements of section 4001, for projects, programs, and activities, and in the amounts, specified in the funding table in section 4302. (d) OTHER AMOUNTS.—The amounts authorized to be appro- priated by sections 1513, 1514, 1515, and 1516 shall be available, in accordance with the requirements of section 4001, for projects, programs, and activities, and in the amounts, specified in the funding table in section 4402. SEC. 151 8 . CONTINUATION OF PROHIBITION ON USE OF UNITED STATES FUNDS FOR CERTAIN FACILITIES PRO J ECTS IN IRA Q . S ection 1508(a) of the Duncan Hunter N ational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 2009 (Public L aw 110 – 417

122 Stat. 4651) shall apply to funds authorized to be appropriated by this title. SEC. 151 9 . TREATMENT AS ADDITIONAL AUTHORI Z ATIONS. The amounts authorized to be appropriated by this title are in addition to amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated by this Act. SEC. 15 20 . SPECIAL TRANSFER AUTHORIT Y . (a) AUTHORIT Y TO TRANSFER AUTHORI Z ATIONS.— (1) AUTHORITY.— U pon determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action is necessary in the national interest, Det e rmina ti o n .Ap p l i c a b ilit y .