Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1389

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124 STAT. 1363 PUBLIC LAW 111–199—JULY 7, 2010 its product made with ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resin meets the following emission standards: ‘‘(I) No higher than 0.04 parts per million of formaldehyde for 90 percent of 6 months of routine quality control testing data required under subparagraph (A)(ii). ‘‘(II) No test result higher than 0.05 parts per million of formaldehyde for hardwood plywood and 0.06 parts per million for particleboard, medium-density fiberboard, and thin medium-den- sity fiberboard. ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENT.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in an applicable sell- through regulation promulgated pursuant to subsection (d), effective beginning on the date that is 180 days after the date of promulgation of those regulations, the emission stand- ards described in paragraph (2), shall apply to hardwood ply- wood, medium-density fiberboard, and particleboard sold, sup- plied, offered for sale, or manufactured in the United States. ‘‘(2) EMISSION STANDARDS.—The emission standards referred to in paragraph (1), based on test method ASTM E– 1333–96 (2002), are as follows: ‘‘(A) For hardwood plywood with a veneer core, 0.05 parts per million of formaldehyde. ‘‘(B) For hardwood plywood with a composite core— ‘‘(i) 0.08 parts per million of formaldehyde for any period after the effective date described in paragraph (1) and before July 1, 2012; and ‘‘(ii) 0.05 parts per million of formaldehyde, effec- tive on the later of the effective date described in paragraph (1) or July 1, 2012. ‘‘(C) For medium-density fiberboard— ‘‘(i) 0.21 parts per million of formaldehyde for any period after the effective date described in paragraph (1) and before July 1, 2011; and ‘‘(ii) 0.11 parts per million of formaldehyde, effec- tive on the later of the effective date described in paragraph (1) or July 1, 2011. ‘‘(D) For thin medium-density fiberboard— ‘‘(i) 0.21 parts per million of formaldehyde for any period after the effective date described in paragraph (1) and before July 1, 2012; and ‘‘(ii) 0.13 parts per million of formaldehyde, effec- tive on the later of the effective date described in paragraph (1) or July 1, 2012. ‘‘(E) For particleboard— ‘‘(i) 0.18 parts per million of formaldehyde for any period after the effective date described in paragraph (1) and before July 1, 2011; and ‘‘(ii) 0.09 parts per million of formaldehyde, effec- tive on the later of the effective date described in paragraph (1) or July 1, 2011. ‘‘(3) COMPLIANCE WITH EMISSION STANDARDS.—(A) Compli- ance with the emission standards described in paragraph (2) shall be measured by— Effective date. Applicability.