Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2430

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124 STAT. 2404 PUBLIC LAW 111–226—AUG. 10, 2010 resolution on the budget or the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. SEC. 302. Of the funds made available for ‘‘Department of Commerce—National Telecommunications and Information Administration—Broadband Technology Opportunities Program’’ in title II of division A of Public Law 111–5, $302,000,000 are rescinded. SEC. 303. Of the funds appropriated in Department of Defense Appropriations Acts, the following funds are rescinded from the following accounts in the specified amounts: ‘‘Aircraft Procurement, Army, 2008/2010’’, $21,000,000; ‘‘Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army, 2008/2010’’, $21,000,000; ‘‘Procurement of Ammunition, Army, 2008/2010’’, $17,000,000; ‘‘Other Procurement, Army, 2008/2010’’, $75,000,000; ‘‘Weapons Procurement, Navy, 2008/2010’’, $26,000,000; ‘‘Other Procurement, Navy, 2008/2010’’, $42,000,000; ‘‘Procurement, Marine Corps, 2008/2010’’, $13,000,000; ‘‘Aircraft Procurement, Air Force, 2008/2010’’, $102,000,000; ‘‘Missile Procurement, Air Force, 2008/2010’’, $28,000,000; ‘‘Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force, 2008/2010’’, $7,000,000; ‘‘Other Procurement, Air Force, 2008/2010’’, $130,000,000; ‘‘Procurement, Defense-Wide, 2008/2010’’, $33,000,000; ‘‘Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army, 2009/ 2010’’, $76,000,000; ‘‘Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force, 2009/2010’’, $164,000,000; ‘‘Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense- Wide, 2009/2010’’, $137,000,000; ‘‘Operation, Test and Evaluation, Defense, 2009/2010’’, $1,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army, 2010’’, $154,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy, 2010’’, $155,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps, 2010’’, $25,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, 2010’’, $155,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, 2010’’, $126,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve, 2010’’, $12,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve, 2010’’, $6,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve, 2010’’, $1,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve, 2010’’, $14,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, 2010’’, $28,000,000; and ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard, 2010’’, $27,000,000. SEC. 304. (a) Of the funds appropriated in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111–5), the