Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2431

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124 STAT. 2405 PUBLIC LAW 111–226—AUG. 10, 2010 following funds are rescinded from the following accounts in the specified amounts: ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army, 2009/2010’’, $113,500,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy, 2009/2010’’, $34,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps, 2009/2010’’, $7,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, 2009/2010’’, $61,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve, 2009/2010’’, $3,500,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve, 2009/2010’’, $8,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve, 2009/ 2010’’, $1,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve, 2009/ 2010’’, $2,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, 2009/ 2010’’, $1,000,000; ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard, 2009/ 2010’’, $2,500,000; and ‘‘Defense Health Program, 2009/2010’’, $27,000,000. (b) Of the funds appropriated in the Supplemental Appropria- tions Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–252), the following funds are rescinded from the following account in the specified amount: ‘‘Procurement, Marine Corps, 2009/2011’’, $122,000,000. SEC. 305. (a) Of the funds appropriated for ‘‘Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army’’ in title III of division A of public Law 111–118, $116,000,000 are rescinded. (b) Of the funds appropriated for ‘‘Other Procurement, Army’’ in title III of division C of Public Law 110–329, $87,000,000 are rescinded. SEC. 306. There are rescinded the following amounts from the specified accounts: (1) $20,000,000, to be derived from unobligated balances of funds made available in prior appropriations Acts under the heading ‘‘Department of Energy—Nuclear Energy’’. SEC. 307. Of the unobligated balances of funds provided under the heading ‘‘Nuclear Regulatory Commission’’ in prior appropria- tions Acts, $18,000,000 is permanently rescinded. SEC. 308. Of the funds made available for ‘‘Department of Energy—Title 17—Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Pro- gram’’ in title III of division A of Public Law 111–5, $1,500,000,000 are rescinded. SEC. 309. There are permanently rescinded from ‘‘General Serv- ices Administration—Real Property Activities—Federal Building Fund’’, $75,000,000 from Rental of Space and $25,000,000 from Building Operations, to be derived from unobligated balances that were provided in previous appropriations Acts. SEC. 310. Of the funds made available for ‘‘Bureau of Indian Affairs—Indian Guaranteed Loan Program Account’’ in title VII of division A of Public Law 111–5, $6,820,000 are rescinded. SEC. 311. Of the funds made available for ‘‘Environmental Protection Agency—Hazardous Substance Superfund’’ in title VII of division A of Public Law 111–5, $2,600,000 are rescinded.