Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2609

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124 STAT. 2583 PUBLIC LAW 111–240—SEPT. 27, 2010 (E) with respect to an eligible institution for which no report exists that is described under subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D), such other report or set of information as the Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, may prescribe. (5) CDCI.—The term ‘‘CDCI’’ means the Community Development Capital Initiative created by the Secretary under the Troubled Asset Relief Program established by the Emer- gency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. (6) CDCI INVESTMENT.—The term ‘‘CDCI investment’’ means, with respect to any eligible institution, the principal amount of any investment made by the Secretary in such eligible institution under the CDCI that has not been repaid. (7) CDFI; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL INSTITU- TION.—The terms ‘‘CDFI’’ and ‘‘community development finan- cial institution’’ have the meaning given the term ‘‘community development financial institution’’ under the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994. (8) CDLF; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND.—The terms ‘‘CDLF’’ and ‘‘community development loan fund’’ mean any entity that— (A) is certified by the Department of the Treasury as a community development financial institution loan fund; (B) is exempt from taxation under the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1986; and (C) had assets less than or equal to $10,000,000,000 as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009. (9) CPP.—The term ‘‘CPP’’ means the Capital Purchase Program created by the Secretary under the Troubled Asset Relief Program established by the Emergency Economic Sta- bilization Act of 2008. (10) CPP INVESTMENT.—The term ‘‘CPP investment’’ means, with respect to any eligible institution, the principal amount of any investment made by the Secretary in such eligible institution under the CPP that has not been repaid. (11) ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION.—The term ‘‘eligible institution’’ means— (A) any insured depository institution, which— (i) is not controlled by a bank holding company or savings and loan holding company that is also an eligible institution; (ii) has total assets of equal to or less than $10,000,000,000, as reported in the call report of the insured depository institution as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009; and (iii) is not directly or indirectly controlled by any company or other entity that has total consolidated assets of more than $10,000,000,000, as so reported; (B) any bank holding company which has total consoli- dated assets of equal to or less than $10,000,000,000, as reported in the call report of the bank holding company as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009; (C) any savings and loan holding company which has total consolidated assets of equal to or less than $10,000,000,000, as reported in the call report of the