Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2891

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124 STAT. 2865 PUBLIC LAW 111–275—OCT. 13, 2010 Sec. 405. Elimination of reduction in amount of accelerated death benefit for termi- nally-ill persons insured under Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance and Veterans’ Group Life Insurance. Sec. 406. Consideration of loss of dominant hand in prescription of schedule of se- verity of traumatic injury under Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance. Sec. 407. Enhancement of veterans’ mortgage life insurance. Sec. 408. Expansion of individuals qualifying for retroactive benefits from trau- matic injury protection coverage under Servicemembers’ Group Life In- surance. TITLE V—BURIAL AND CEMETERY MATTERS Sec. 501. Increase in certain burial and funeral benefits and plot allowances for veterans. Sec. 502. Interment in national cemeteries of parents of certain deceased veterans. Sec. 503. Reports on selection of new national cemeteries. TITLE VI—COMPENSATION AND PENSION Sec. 601. Enhancement of disability compensation for certain disabled veterans with difficulties using prostheses and disabled veterans in need of reg- ular aid and attendance for residuals of traumatic brain injury. Sec. 602. Cost-of-living increase for temporary dependency and indemnity com- pensation payable for surviving spouses with dependent children under the age of 18. Sec. 603. Payment of dependency and indemnity compensation to survivors of former prisoners of war who died on or before September 30, 1999. Sec. 604. Exclusion of certain amounts from consideration as income for purposes of veterans pension benefits. Sec. 605. Commencement of period of payment of original awards of compensation for veterans retired or separated from the uniformed services for cata- strophic disability. Sec. 606. Applicability of limitation to pension payable to certain children of vet- erans of a period of war. Sec. 607. Extension of reduced pension for certain veterans covered by Medicaid plans for services furnished by nursing facilities. Sec. 608. Codification of 2009 cost-of-living adjustment in rates of pension for dis- abled veterans and surviving spouses and children. TITLE VII—EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS OF MEMBERS OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES Sec. 701. Clarification that USERRA prohibits wage discrimination against mem- bers of the Armed Forces. Sec. 702. Clarification of the definition of ‘‘successor in interest’’. Sec. 703. Technical amendments. TITLE VIII—BENEFITS MATTERS Sec. 801. Increase in number of veterans for which programs of independent living services and assistance may be initiated. Sec. 802. Payment of unpaid balances of Department of Veterans Affairs guaran- teed loans. Sec. 803. Eligibility of disabled veterans and members of the Armed Forces with se- vere burn injuries for automobiles and adaptive equipment. Sec. 804. Enhancement of automobile assistance allowance for veterans. Sec. 805. National Academies review of best treatments for chronic multisymptom illness in Persian Gulf War veterans. Sec. 806. Extension and modification of National Academy of Sciences reviews and evaluations on illness and service in Persian Gulf War and Post-9/11 Global Operations Theaters. Sec. 807. Extension of authority for regional office in Republic of the Philippines. Sec. 808. Extension of an annual report on equitable relief. Sec. 809. Authority for the performance of medical disability examinations by con- tract physicians. TITLE IX—AUTHORIZATION OF MEDICAL FACILITY PROJECTS AND MAJOR MEDICAL FACILITY LEASES Sec. 901. Authorization of fiscal year 2011 major medical facility leases. Sec. 902. Modification of authorization amount for major medical facility construc- tion project previously authorized for the Department of Veterans Af- fairs Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. Sec. 903. Modification of authorization amount for major medical facility construc- tion project previously authorized for the Department of Veterans Af- fairs Medical Center, Long Beach, California.