Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3068

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124 STAT. 3042 PUBLIC LAW 111–282—OCT. 15, 2010 (B) in section 2 (sec. 5–521.02, D.C. Official Code), by striking ‘‘and with respect’’ and all that follows through ‘‘United States Park Police force’’ and inserting ‘‘and with respect to officers and members of the United States Park Police force’’; and (C) in section 3 (sec. 5–521.03, D.C. Official Code), by striking ‘‘shall be applicable’’ and all that follows and inserting the following: ‘‘shall be applicable to the United States Park Police force under regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior.’’. (2) The District of Columbia Police and Firemen’s Salary Act of 1958 is amended as follows: (A) In section 202 (sec. 5–542.02, D.C. Official Code), by striking ‘‘United States Secret Service Uniformed Divi- sion,’’. (B) In section 301(b) (sec. 5 –543.01(b), D.C. Official Code), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uni- formed Division,’’. (C) In section 302 (sec. 5–543.02, D.C. Official Code)— (i) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘the Secretary of Treasury, in the case of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division,’’; (ii) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or’’; and (iii) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or’’. (D) In section 303(a)(5) (sec. 5–543.03(a)(5), D.C. Offi- cial Code), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and’’. (E) In section 304(d)(1) (sec. 5–543.04(d)(1)), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or’’. (F) In section 305 (sec. 5–543.05, D.C. Official Code)— (i) by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division,’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘or the Secretary of the Treasury,’’. (G) In section 501 (sec. 5–545.01, D.C. Official Code)— (i) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘and the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division’’; (ii) in subsection (c)(1)— (I) by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and’’; and (II) in the schedule set forth in such sub- section, by striking ‘‘United States Secret Service Uniformed Division’’; (iii) in subsection (c)(2), by striking ‘‘the annual rates of basic compensation’’ and all that follows through ‘‘the Secretary of the Treasury, and’’; (iv) in subsection (c)(5), by striking ‘‘officers and members of the United States Secret Service Uni- formed Division or’’; (v) in subsection (c)(6)(A), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or’’; and (vi) in subsection (c)(7)(A), by striking ‘‘the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or’’. (H) In section 506 (sec. 5–545.06, D.C. Official Code), by striking ‘‘, the Secretary of the Treasury,’’.