Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4264

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124 STAT. 4238 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 SEC. 616. ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF AUTHORITIES RELATING TO PAY- MENT OF REFERRAL BONUSES. The following sections of title 10, United States Code, are amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2010’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2011’’: (1) Section 1030(i), relating to health professions referral bonus. (2) Section 3252(h), relating to Army referral bonus. Subtitle C—Travel and Transportation Allowances SEC. 621. EXTENSION OF AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCES FOR INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING OUTSIDE OF NORMAL COMMUTING DISTANCES. Section 408a(e) of title 37, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2010’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2011’’. SEC. 622. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCES FOR ATTEND - ANCE AT YELLOW RIBBON REINTEGRATION EVENTS. (a) PAYMENT OF TRAVEL COSTS AUTHORIZED.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 7 of title 37, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 411k the following new section: ‘‘§ 411l. Travel and transportation allowances: attendance of members and other persons at Yellow Ribbon Re- integration Program events ‘‘(a) ALLOWANCES AUTHORIZED.—(1) Under uniform regulations prescribed by the Secretaries concerned, a member of the uniformed services authorized to attend a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Pro- gram event may be provided travel and transportation allowances in order that the member may attend a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event. ‘‘(2) Under uniform regulations prescribed by the Secretaries concerned, travel and transportation allowances may be provided for a person designated pursuant to subsection (b) in order for the person to accompany a member in attending a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event if the Secretary concerned determines that the presence of the person at the event may contribute to the purposes of the event for the member. ‘‘(b) DESIGNATION OF PERSONS ELIGIBLE FOR ALLOWANCE.— A member of the uniformed services who is eligible to attend a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event may designate one or more persons, including another member of the uniformed serv- ices, for purposes of receiving travel and transportation allowances described in subsection (c) to attend a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event. The designation of a person for purposes of this section shall be made in writing and may be changed at any time. ‘‘(c) AUTHORIZED TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION.—(1) The transportation authorized by subsection (a) is round-trip transpor- tation between the home or place of business of the authorized person and the location of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event. Regulations.