Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4426

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124 STAT. 4400 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (ii) options for leveraging United States Govern- ment resources and capacity to address the shortfalls and inefficiencies described in clause (i) and to better address current and future needs under the program. (C) An assessment of the factors, such as oversight, cost considerations, performance, policy, and other factors, that would be impacted by transferring responsibilities for the performance of the Afghan National Police training program from contractors to United States Government personnel. (D) A review of the lessons learned from the execution and oversight of the police training program in Iraq, and any other relevant police training programs led by the Department of Defense, regarding the relative advantages and disadvantages of using United States Government per- sonnel or contractors to carry out police training programs for foreign nations. (c) REPORT ON GOVERNMENT POLICE TRAINING AND EQUIPPING PROGRAMS.— (1) REPORT.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to the appro- priate committees of Congress a report on United States Government police training and equipping programs outside the United States. (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required under paragraph (1) shall include the following: (A) A list of all United States Government departments and agencies involved in implementing police training and equipping programs. (B) A description of the scope, size, and components of all police training and equipping programs for fiscal years 2010 and 2011, to include for each such program— (i) the name of each country that received assist- ance under the program; (ii) the types of recipient nation units receiving such assistance, including national police, gendarmerie, counternarcotics police, counterterrorism police, Formed Police Units, border security, and customs; (iii) the purpose and objectives of the program; (iv) the funding and personnel levels for the pro- gram in each such fiscal year; (v) the authority under which the program is con- ducted; (vi) the name of the United States Government department or agency with lead responsibility for the program and the mechanisms for oversight of the pro- gram; (vii) the extent to which the program is imple- mented by contractors or United States Government personnel; and (viii) the metrics for measuring the results of the program. (C) An assessment of the requirements for police training and equipping programs, and what changes, if any, are required to improve the capacity of the United States Government to meet such requirements. President.