Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/120

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92· THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 95, 96, 97. 1864. A89¤¤i¤¤ ¤¤d act to the contrary notwithsfanding; and that the existing agencies and

g°{;“;“g;;` superimendencics of said Indians be continued, with the same powers and

zmued. duties which are now prescribed by law, except that the President of the United States may, at his discretitm, change the location of the oiicc of said agencies or superintendents. Portion of’Ter- Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That, until congress shall otherwise "“°"-V °*` Id“h° direct, all that part of the Territory of Idaho included within the follovéing gjtf pm°f D°` boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point formed by the intersection of the thirty-third degree of longitude west from Washington with the forty- first degree of north latitude; thence along said thirty-third degree of' longitude to the crest of the Rocky Mountains; thence northward along the said crest of the Rocky Mountains to its intersection with the forty- fourth degree and thirty minutes of north latitude; thence eastward along said forty-fourth degree thirty minutes north latitude to the thirty-fourth degree of longitude west fiom W3Sl1iHgt0H; thence northward along said thirr.y-fourth degree of longitude to its intersection with the forty-fifth degree north latitude; thence eastward along said forty-fifth degree of north latitude to its intersection with the twenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington ; thence south along said twenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington to the forty-first degree north latitude; thence west along said forty-first degree of latitude to the place of beginning, shall be, and is hereby, incorporated temporarily into and made part of the Territory of Dakota. APPROVED, May 26, 1864. .Mny 20, 1864. CHA!. XCVI. -An Act for the Ohzssificatizm of the Clerks to Pd l/md8f€fo in the Nang, ""*"*"‘ and graduating their Pay. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hama of Representatives of the Mrited Pay of cmlgs States of America in Oangress assemeled, That the annual pay of clerks gJ’:g“‘”“”‘“ to paymastcrs in the navy shall be as follows, namely :-- W` Clerks to paymasters at the Boston, New York, Washington, and Philadelphia stations, twelve hundred dollars. At other stations, one thousand dollars. Clerks to inspectors in charge of provisions and clothing at Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, twelve hundred dollars. At other inspections, one thousand dollars. Clerks to paymastcrs in receiving-ships at Boston and New York, twelve hundred dollars. In other receiving-ships, and in vessels of the irst rate, and at the naval academy, one thousand dollars. Clerks to Heet-paymasters and to paymastcrs of vessels of the second rate, eight hundred dollars. Clerks to paymasters of vessels of the third rate, having complements . of more than one hundred and seventy-tive persons, and to paymasters of CMM t w supply-stcamcrs and st0rc·vcsscIs, seven hundred dollars: Provided, That loved to mma no paymaster or assistant paymastcr shall be allowed a clerk in a vessel paymmm. having the complement of one hundred and seventy-five persons or less, excepting in supply-stcamcrs and store-vessels: And provided, further, That nothing in this act shall be construed to alter the pay now allowed by law to the paymastcfs clérk at Mare Island. APPROVED, May 26, 1864. _ CHAP. XCVII.—An Ad makin A ro `ations e

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1863, QP- $7- Act for the Relief <;P;’mersonsfrr Dam es sustained by Reason of the Depredations and v°r X“· P- 65* Injuries by certain Banda of Sioux [7g1IOT5S.,, Approved, Februavy sixtmnth, eighteen hundred and sixty three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of nine hundred