Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/121

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SBss. L Ch. 97, 98. 1864. 93 and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and eleven dollars, or so much t A:P';$':£°:£ thereof as maybe necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out dzgées dom of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment by the Sioux Inof the several amounts awarded by the commission appointed under and d‘““‘ by virtue of an act of congress entitled "An act for the relief of persons for damages sustained by reason of the depredations and injuries by cer— tain bands of Sioux Indians," approved February sixteen, eighteen huu·· dred and sixty-three, to the several persons, firms, estates, and corporations, respectively, to whom such amounts were awarded by said commissioners, except the following persons, estates, and firms to whom awards were made as aforesaid, to wit : Antoine Roberts, J. C. Toberer, Gilbault and Company, W. L. Sumner, G. L. Mendelsohn, D. C. Marvin, Joseph Popp, B. Heinbach, W. W. Pendergast, Louis Theobald, J. and C. M. Dailey, B. H. Randall, Louis Robert, W. H. Forbes, estate of S. B. Garvie, deceased, A. Vajen and Brother, T. I. Pierce, estate of Francis Labathe, deceased, S. A. Hooper, estate of James C. Dickenson, deceased, Henry Apple, Theodore Crone, Charles Jacobs, F. Immel, H. C. Cooper, H. D. Cunningham, Joseph Descoteau, and Henry Behnke, which last claim is numbered 366 on the books of said commissioners. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the payment of so much of Appropriation said awards made by said commissioners to the persons, firms, and estates f¤ my awards w speciically named in the first section of this act, as the Secretary of the §;;?:§}8;‘;él8¢ Interior shall upon examination find to be due to them respectively, under said act approved February sixteen, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, the further sum of two hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three dollars, or so much thereof as may benecessary, bc, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby Segremy of authorized and directed to pay to the said several claimants, or to their I;‘*9“°'t;°P3 . attorneys heretofore or hereafter duly authorized, other than those claim- :€:,Tn?y,_°r m ants speciically named in the first section of this act, the several amounts as awarded by said commissioners, and also to pay the several sums he may find due, not exceeding the amounts respectively awarded by said commissioners to the said persons, iirms, and estates so specifically named. APPROVED,_ May 28, 1864. C¤.u>. XCVIII.— An Act aut/nariziwgthe Establishment %` 0ccanM`a:'l Steamshén Service May 28, 1864. betwun the nited States and razil. ’i*" Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General be, Monthly xpm'! and be is hereby, authorized to unite with the general p0st·0i·Hce depart- ment of the empire of Brazil, or such officer of the government of Brazil and me Umm as shall be authorized to act for that government, in establishing direct S*¤*°S» by 6}*** mail communication between the two countries by means of a monthly §{;§;f;sK,€?`°g line of first-class American sea-going steamships, to be of not less than two thousand tons burden each, and of sufficient number to perform twelve round trips or voyages per annum between a port of the United States, Rouuofvoy- north of the Potomac river, and Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, touching at Saint °g°‘ Thomas, in the West Indies, at Bahia, Pernambuco, and such other Bra.- zilian and intermediate port or ports as shall be considered necessary and expedient; Provided, That the expense of the service shall be divided b }?1’FP%**§*§*° between the two governments ; and that the United States portion thereof ,§,,,;v:,f°u{o shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars Ru- the United States performance of twelve round trips per annum, to be paid out of any of W °‘°°°d· money appropriated for the service of the posh-office department. I Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster-General be, iu5¥;tm"t°"° . . . . . . . 1 pwpvsals, md he xs hereby, authonzed to mvnte proposals for szud mad steamslup and comm;