Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/18

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xviii LIST OF THE PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. _ "9° poses," 0 far as the same relates to witnesses in the courts of the United States. Much 3, 1865, ch. 113 .. Naval Observamry. An act in relation to the Naval Observatory. March 3, 1865, ch. 114 . 533 E ·M` s'on a San José. An act for the relief of the occupants of the lands of the ex-mission of x ISS;.:: J/clsé, in the State of California. March 3, 1865, ch. 115 . 534 Kamas. An mt to enable the accounting officers of the treasury to ettle the claim of the State of Kansas. March 3, 1865, ch. 116 535 Mackercl Fisheries. An act to extend the provisions of the first section of €‘ An act for the government of ersons in certain fisheries/’ approved June nmeteenth, eughteen hundred and thirteen. Khrch 3, 1865, ch. 117 . . .. . . 535 Colsred Union Benevolent Association. An act in incorporate the Colored Union Benevolent Association. March 3, 1865, ch. 118 ... 535 Metropolitan Railroad Cmw. An act to amend an act entitled ‘: An act to incorporate the Metropolitan Ruilro Company in the District of Columb1a.. March 3, 1865, ch. 119.. 636 Continental Hotel Oampangi An act to incorporate tho Continental Hotel Company of the city of Washington. arch 3, 1865, ch. 120 . .. .. . .. 537 Juvenile Ojbmlers. An act providing for the confinement of juvenile offenders against the laws of the United States in houses of refuge. March 3, 1865, ch. 121 538 Appropriaxion to pa. Settlers in Hoopa Valley jbr their Imgrovmws on the Indian An act to amendy an act entitled "An act to provide for the better organ1za.tion of Indian aifairs in California." March 3, 1865, ch. 122 ... 588 Whmfat Bath, Maine. An not authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to lease or sell certain property of the United States at Bath, in the State of Maine. March 3, 1865, ch. 128. . . 539 Midshxpmeg in lhcéfavy. An act to increase the pay of midshipmen and others. March 3, 186 , ch. 1' . ... . ... Capitol lfolel Qomgany. An act to incorporate the “Capitol Hotel Company/’ in Washington Cnty, District ofC0lumb1a.. March 3, 1865, ch. 125 .. . .. 639 Copynyht. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," n proved February 3d, 1831, and to the acts in addition thereto and amend- P . ment thereof. March 3, 1865, ch. 126 .. . . . . 540 Indian Appropriation. An act making appucpriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for ihldlling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes £ tl? geagézglding gxirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and for other purposes. rc , 1 , c . 7 ... . . . . . ... 541 PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 1.] 6'ontingent Fund. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to expend a portion of the contingent fund for enlarging the Navy Department building. December 15, 1864 . . ... 565 [N0, 8.] {Thanks of Congress to Captain John A. Winslow and otlwrs. A resolution tendering the thanks of congress to Captain John A. Winslow, United States navy, and to the ofH· cers end anen xmder his command on board the United States steamer Kearserge, in the condrct with the piratical craft the “" ; in compliance with the President’s recommendation to congress of the fifth of December, eighteen hxmdred and sixty-four. December 20, 1864 ... . ... 565 [N0. 4.] to Lieutenant Qushing and gihcrs. A resolution tendering the thanks of congress to Lieutenant Wxlham B. Cushmg, of the United States navy, and to the 0i:Hcers and men who assisted him in his gallant and perilous achievement in destroying the rebel steamer “Albema.rle," in compliance with the Presidentfs recommendation to conqress of the Efth of December, eighteen hundred [and] sixty-four, December 20, 1864. . . 565 [Nc. 5.] Thanks to Major-General Sherrmm end others. Joint resolution tendering the thanks of the people and of congress to Mas]0r—Genera1 William T. Sherman and the officers and soldxers of hxs command for them gallant conduct in their late brilliant movement through Georgna. January 10, 1865 ...,... 565 [N0. 6.] Reciprocity Treaty. Joint resolution providing for the termination of the reciprocity t t t' tifm rea. y 0 June, erghteen hundred and fifty-four, between the United States and Great Brxtmn. January 18, 1865- . . . ... 566 [N0. 7.] Thanks, gc., to General Terry and others. A resolution to present the thanks of congress to Brevet Major-General Alfred H. T d th H5 s ‘ - mm. January 24, 1865 . . ... ‘?TT¥’.’f'? ‘? ?. .?‘?T.?I‘f1.T‘T`?‘T.`T‘?`}‘?T T?.???`. me