Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/213

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.I`HIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 155. 1864. 185 hands as shall, in the judgment of the committee, be desirable for popular selected to pre1 distribution, and to' prepare an alphabetical index to the same. PZ"; Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, g0i),,&c, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint some competent person to edit the _ Editing of 0m- printing of the official reports of the operations of the armies of the ::L;*’°'" °f United States. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Heads ordeheads of the several departments of government to furnish the superin- {’:Q.:}1f;f·c;'"°:, tendent of public printing with copies of their respective reports, on or mpom py before the third Monday in November in each year. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the $¤1:>Fi¤*¤P<l$‘¤* superintendent of public printing to print the President’s message, the $:’;,g;°ui°;;:;;;? reports of the heads of departments, and the abridgment of accompany- and documents, ing documents prepared under the direction of the joint committee on &°· public printing, suitably bound; and that, in addition to the number now required by law, and unless otherwise ordered by either house of congress, it shall be his duty to print ten thousand copies of the same for the use of Number' G? the Senate, and twenty-five thousand copies for the use of the House, and gggxisf "Wml to deliver the same to the proper officer of each house, respectively, on or before the third Wednesday in December following the assembling of congress, or as soon thereafter as practicable; and further, it shall also bo the duty of the said superintendent to cause to be printed and stitched in paper covers twenty-five hundred copies of the annual reports of the executive departments for the use of said departments, respectively; and also one thousand copies of the reports of the commissioner of the general land-omce, commissioner of pensions, commissioner of the internal revenue, and such number of the report of the commissioner of Indian affairs, to be bound, not exceeding three thousand copies, as may be directed by the Secretary of the Interior, for their use, respectively; and also five hundred copies of the reports of the superintendent of the Washington aqueduct, architect of the capitol extension, metropolitan police board, third auditor of the treasury, and of the Insane Asylum, Columbia Institute, and commissioner of public buildings, respectively, for their use, and one hundred copies of the report of the bureau of engineers, for the use of said bureau. And he shall not print any greater number of said reports unless otherwise directed by either house of congress. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That seven thousand copies of the "Qomrngrcinl “ Commercial Relations," annually prepared under the direction of the §i‘1;;f;‘,;,_h°" Secretary of State, be printed and distributed as follows, viz: the usual number (one thousand five hundred and fifty) for the houses of congress; four hundred and fifty for the state department; two thousand for the use of the members of the Senate; and three thousand for the use of the members of the House. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the annual report of the Otfers andcon- Postmaster-General of otiers received. and contracts for conveying the mails, i;'·°*:1£'£°2;V€g" in compliance with the twenty-fourth and twenty-fth sections of the act begp,-jmed num,) of congress approved July two, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, be no Kwlonger printed, unless specially ordered by either house of congress; and that such portion of the above-mentioned act as authorized the said publication be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of Laws and resothis act it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Senate to furnish the l“°'°“" superintendent of public printing with correct copies of all laws and joint resolutions as soon as possible after their approval by the President of the United States, and that the superintendent shall immediately cause to be printed, separately, the usual number for the use of the two houses of congress; aud, in addition thereto, he shall cause to be printed and bound, at the close of each session of congress, three thousand copies 1{umbcrof thereof for the use of the Senate and ten thousand copies for the use of °°P*°'· 16 *