Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/260

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sums above one hundred thousand dollars and not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars,Pay of collectors.
Post, p. 469.
and a commission of one half of one per centum on all sums above four hundred thousand dollars, such commissions to be computed upon the amounts by them respectively collected and paid over and accounted for under the instructions of the treasury department. And there shall be further paid, after the account thereof has been rendered to, and approved by,Charges and expenses.
Post, p. 469.
the proper officers of the treasury, to each collector his necessary and reasonable charge, for stationery and blank books used in the performance of his official duties, and for postage actually paid on letters and documents received or sent, and exclusively relating to official business; but no such account shall be approved unless it shall state the date and the particular items of every such expenditure, and shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the collector:Pay not to exceed, &c.
[Proviso stricken out. Post, p. 469.]
Provided, That the salary and commissions of no collector, exclusive of stationery, blank books, and postage, shall exceed ten thousand dollars in the aggregate, nor more than five thousand dollars exclusive of the expenses for rent, stationery, blank books, and postage, and pay of deputies and clerks, to which such collector is actually and necessarily subjected in the administration of his office: Provided, further, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to make such further allowances,Further allowances. from time to time, as may be reasonable in cases in which, from the territorial extent of the district, or from the amount of internal duties collected, or from other circumstances, it may seem just to make such allowances.

Accounts of collectors and assessors, how adjusted. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That in the adjustment of the accounts of assessors and collectors of internal revenue which shall accrue after the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and in the payment of their compensation for services after that date, the fiscal year of the treasury shall be observed; and where such compensation, or any part of it, shall be by commissions upon assessments or collections, and shall during any year,Post, p. 469. ​in consequence of a new apportionment [appointment,] be due to more than one assessor or collector in the same district, such commissions shall be apportioned between such assessors or collectors according to the amounts collected by them respectively; but in no case shall a greater amount of the commissions be allowed to two or more assessors or collectors in the same district than is, or may be, authorized by law to be allowed to one assessor or collector. And the salary and commissions of assessors and collectors heretofore earned and accrued shall be adjusted, allowed, and paid in conformity to the provisions of this section, and not otherwise.

Collectors to give receipts for lists; Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That each collector, on receiving, from time to time, lists and returns from the said assessors, shall subscribe three receipts: one of which shall be made upon a full and correct copy of each list or return, and be delivered by him to, and shall remain with, the assessor of his collection district, and shall be open to the inspection of any person who may apply to inspect the same; and the other two shall be made upon aggregate statements of the lists or returns aforesaid, exhibiting the gross amount of taxes to be collected in his collection district, one of which aggregate statements and receipts shall be transmitted to the commissioner of internal revenue, and the other to the first comptroller of the treasury.

Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That each of said collectors shall, within twenty days after receiving his annual collection list from the assessors, give notice,to give notice that duties are payable. by advertisement published in each county in his collection district, in one newspaper printed in such county, if any such there be, and by notifications to be posted up in at least four public places in each county in his collection district,[Amended, Post, pp. 469, 470.] that the said duties have become due and payable, and state the time and place within said county at which he or his deputy will attend to receive the same, which time shall not be less than than ten days after such notification; and all persons who shall