Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/405

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Szss. l. Ch. 225. 1864. 377 are created by the said acts, as to such intercourse between loyal and insurrectionary states, for such time and to such extent as shall from time to time become necessary to protect the public interests, and be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President. Sm. 6. Am: be it jw·¢[»»· enacted, That so much of the fifth section -i;mOra1msof the act approved May twenty, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and g,fQ;‘;‘uI‘fs6§‘i$· the fourth section of the act approved March twelve, eighteen hundred and Re ea; Le purl; sixty-three, as directs the manner of distributing fines, penalties, and for- °*`;8g2. ¢h·•8L feitures, is hereby repealed, and that, in lieu of the distribution thereby 5V6L Xu p_ 404· directed to be made to infbrmcrs, collectors, and other ohicers of the cus- 1863, ch.20, § 4. toms, the court decreeing condemnation may award such compensation to V°’· X“· P· Bw customs·0tlicers, informers, or other persons, for any service connected therewith, as will tend to promote vigilance in protecting the public interests, and as shall be just and equitable, in no case, however, to exceed the aggregate amount heretofore directed by the said fifth section. Src. 7. And be it further enacted, That no property seized or taken Property taken upon any of the inland waters of the United States by the naval forces gnéwgd g:*°'°’h thereof, shall be regarded as maritime prize; but all property so seized ¤;°,,.i§m; pdl`? or taken shall be promptly delivered to the proper officers of the courts, to be delivered or as provided in this act and in the said act approved March twelve, *°1gQQl’°;h°T;8”‘ eighteen hundred and sixty-three. v01_ ,5, i,, 326, Sec. 8. And Ee it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Sec- A ms to up retary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, to authorize cmsé, mr ms agents to purchase for the United States any products of states declared United S¤**°¤»f in insurrection, at such places therein as shall be designated by him, at :fQ{B§"ff,d;°§,Y such prices as shall be agreed on with the seller, not exceeding the market mation. value thereof at the place of delivery, nor exceeding three fourths of the market-value thereof in the city of New York at the latest quotations known to the agent purchasing: Provided, That no part of the purchasc- Purchasemoney for any products so purchased shall be paid, or agreed to be paid, ;¤°"°5' :1** 33*% out of any other fund than that arising from property sold as captured or mm W ° R ' abandoned, or purchased and sold under the provisions of this act. All DiSP<>¤i*i°¤ of property so purchased shall be forwarded for sale at such place or places gfugggy P"` as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, and the moneys arising therefrom, after payment of the purchase-money and the other expenses connected therewith, shall be paid into the treasury of the United States; and the accounts of all moneys so received and paid shall be rendered to, and audited by, the proper accounting officers of the treasury. Sec. 9. And be it further en¢wte<L That so much of section five of the _ Authority to mt of thirteenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, aforesaid, as g;;_';?;l°:°'{;tions authorizes the President, in his discretion, to license or permitcommercial with mm in iu. relations in any state or section the inhabitants of which are declared in a S¤¤i°°*i°¤ ’°· state of insurrection, is hereby repealed, except so far as may be necessary °d’ °x°°°t’ to authorize supplying the necessities of loyal persons residing in insur- 1861,ch. 3, t 5. rcctionary states, within the lines of actual occupation by the military V°l· X“· P· 25* forces of the United States, as indicated by published order of the commanding general of the department or district so occupied ; und, also, except so far as may be necessary to authorize persons residing within such lines to bring or send to market in the loyal states any products which they shall have produced with their own labor or the labor of freedmen, or others employed and paid by them, pursuant to rules relating thereto, which may be established under proper authority. And no goods, wares, or merchandise shall be taken into a state declared in insurrection, or transported therein, except to and from such places and to such monthly amounts as shall have been previously agreed upon in writing by the commanding general of the department in which such places are situated and an officcr designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for that purpose. Sec. 10. And be it fltrther enacted That all officers and privates of 32 *