Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/406

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378 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 225, 226. 1864. Omeers and the regular and volunteer forces of the United States, and all officers, sail- '“‘*“ l“ mid md ors, and marines in the naval service, are hereby prohibited from buying navalservicepro- . . . . . . . . hgbmdfrom dm- or selling, trading, or in any way dealing in the kind or description of ing in captured, property mentioned in this act, and the ant to which this is in addition, &°' pr°pmy‘ whereby to receive or expect any prodt, benefit, or advantage to himself; or any other person, directly or indirectly connected with him; and it shall be the duty of such officer, private, sailor, or marine, when such property shall come into his possession or custody, or within his control, ?°¤¤lW YM S0 to give notice thereof to some agent, appointed by virtue of this act, and d°mg’ &°` to turn the same over to such agent without delay: any officer of the United States, civil, military, or naval, or any sutler, soldier, marine, or other person, who shall violate any provision of this act, or who shall take, or cause to be taken, into a state declared to be in. insurrection, or to any other point to be thence taken into such state, or who shall transport or sell, or otherwise dispose of therein, any goods, wares, or merchandise whatsoever, except in pursuance of license and authority of the President, 1861, 9l1~ 3. § 5· as provided iu_ said fifth section of the act of July thirteen, eighteen hunv°1' X"' P' 25-l' dred and sixty-one, aforesaid, and any officer or other person aforesaid who shall make any false statement or representation upon which license and authority shall be granted for such transportation, sale, or other disposition, and any officer or other person aforesaid who shall, under any license or authority obtained, wilfully and knowingly transportpsell, or otherwise dispose of} any other goods, wares, or merchandise than such as are in good faith so licensed and authorized, or shall wilfully and knowingly transport, sell, or dispose of the same, or any portion thereof, in violation of the terms of such license or authority, or of any rule or regulation prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury concerning the same, or shall be guilty of any act of embezzlement, of wilful misappropriation of public or private money or property, of keeping false accounts, or of wilfully making any false returns, or of any other act amounting to a felony, shall be liable to indictment as for a, misdemeanor, and fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and to punishment in the penitentiary not exceeding three years, before any court, civil or military, competent to try the same. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, from time to time, to Investigations institute such investigations as may be necessary to detect and prevent

  • ° P”"°“'* fmuds frauds and abuses in the trade and other transactions contemplated by this

and abuses. . . . act, or by the acts to which this is supplementary. And the agents mak- _Attendance of ing such investigations shall have power to compel the attendance of witw‘""’s"*· nesses, and to make examinations on oath. R}¤l¤¤ {md {68- Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the'Treas- Elzgggs m um ury, with the approval of the President, shall make such rules and regulations as are necessary to secure the proper and economical execution of the provisions of this act, and shall defray all expenses of such execution from the proceeds of fees imposed by said rules and regulations, of sales of captured and abandoned property, and of sales hereinbefore authorized. Armzovmn, July 2, 1864. July 2, 1354, Cxnr. CCXXVI. - An Act proviugnlgfé aauhjying Claims for Bounty Lands, emdfw "`_"";;"' CT IIIPOSES. Be it enacted by the Smale and House of Representatives of the United giaims for States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled "An act bq1g1g l11d2b to provide for satisfying claims for bounty lands for military services in VOL of 4g7V_ the late war with Great Britain, and for other purposes," approved July twenty-seventh, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, 1835: eh. 6, 7. and the two acts approved January twenty-seventh, in the year one thouv"l‘ "‘ P H9' sand eight hundred and thirty-five, therein and thereby revived, and also 184§,ch.74. the two acts to the same intent and purpose, respectively approved the V°l"" l"24°' twenty-sixth day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-eight,