Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/492

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464 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 74. 1865. Bureau of Bureau of Steam Engineering. -—- For contingent expenses, viz : — Pufm °“€i¤°°" For transportation of materials, printing, stationery, experiments, admm vcrtising, books, drawings, models, postage, and incidental expenses, eighty-Evo thousand dollars. of rovisions Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.- For contingent expenses, viz: md °¥°*hi¤H¤ For candles, freight to foreign stations, transportation from station m station within the United States, cooporago, pay of assistants to inspectors, advertising for proposals, printing pa.ymasters’ blanks, and stationery for cruising vessels, six hundred thousand dollars. of medicine Bureau of Mdicine and Surgmy.-For contingent expenses of the and ’*“"¤‘=€°"·Y· bureau of medicine and surgery, scvc11ty-five thousand dollars. Marine corps. Marine Omps.—For pay of officcrs, non-commissioned oihcors, musicians, privatos, clerks, messengers, steward and nurse, and servants; for rations and clothing for officers' servants ; additional rations be officcrs for five yem·s’ service; for uudrawn clothing and rations, and bounties for recnlistments, one million and forty thousand eight hundred and sixty-Evo dollars and forty-five cents. Provisions. For provisions, one hundred and sixty-uiuc thousand nine hundred and seven dollars and fifty ocuts. Glothmg. For clothing, three hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and twelve dollars. Fuel. For fuel, thirty-two thousand six hundred and twenty-six dollars and Seventy-Eve cents. Sams. For military stores, viz: pay of mechanics, repair of arms, purchase of accoutromeuts, ordnance stores, fiags, drums, ifcs, and other instruments, sixteen thousand dollars.

Tmnsporta- For transportation of officers, their servants, troops, and expenses of
  • ’°“· recruiting, twenty-Evo thousand dollars.

Barracks, &¤. For repairs of barracks, and rout of offices where there are no public buildings, fiftccu thousand dollars. Contingencies. For contingencies, viz: freight, ferriago, toll, oartage, wharfago ; purchase and repair of boats; compensation to judge-advocates; per diem for attending courts·ma.rtia.l, courts of inquiry, and for constant labor; house rout in lieu of quarters ; burial of deceased marines ; printing, stationary, postage, tclcgraphingg apprehension of dosertors; oil, candles, gas; repairs of gas and water fixtures; water rent, forage, straw, barrack furniture ; furniture for 0Hicors’ quarters ; bed-sacks, wrapping-paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, spades, shovels, axes, picks, carpcntcx·s’ tools; keep of a. horse for tho messenger; pay of matrou, washorwomau, and porter at the hospital headquarters; repairs to firc-cuginc; purchase and repair of engine-hose; purchase of lumber for benches, moss-tables, and bunks; repairs to public carryallg purchase and repair of harness; purchase and repair of hzmdcarts and whoclbarrows; scavongcring; purchase and repair of galleys; cooking-stoves, ranges ; stoves where there are no gmtcs; gravel for parade-grounds; repair of pumps; furniture for staff and commanding oHiccrs’ officos; brushes, brooms, buckets, paving, and for other purposes, sixty thousand dollars. Navy·yu.rds. NAVY-YARDS. Portsmouth. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. For reservoir, gutters, oakum, store, siding·mi1l, extension of ship-house R; railway for floating dock; machinery and tools; grading gutters and drains; completing plumbers', copporsmitl1s’, and tin shops; quay walls; oomplenin mooring piers; completing extension of ship—house S; two launching gzqns [slips] ; and for repairs of all kinds, three hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Boston. Boston. — For addition to second story of ropewalk, two building slips, one set spinning preparation and repairs of ropowulk machinery, tar pit, and for repairs of all kiudg, two hundred and Bfty-four thousand five hundred dollars.