Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/493

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THIR/I`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 74. 1865. 465 For completion of joiners’ building, twenty-five thousand dollars. Navy-yards. New York.— For continuing quay wall; receiving store; grading and New York. iilling; drains, paving, and nagging; muster-onice addition; completing new foundry; continuation of machine shop and iron-plating shop; launching ways, ship-house D; launching ways for steamers; joiners’ shop addition; water-pipes and hydrants; general increase of machinery in the yard; and repairs of all kinds, eight hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and sixty-three dollars. Philadelphia. -- For boat shop; machine shop; saw-mill ; storehouse; Philadelphia. plumbers’ shop; crib foundation for launching ways; brick wall around new purchase; bulkhead at new purchase; repairs of dry dock; repairs of dredger; filling on new purchase; and repairs of all kinds, two hundred and eighty-tive thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Waslzington. —— For completing copper—rolling mill extension; complet— Washington. ing storehouse for provisions; new cradle for railway; coal depot and machinery; machinery and tools; nagging and draining; dredging channels; rail tracks; and repairs of all kinds, two hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred dollars. Jlbrfollc. — For repairs of boat-shed number twenty-nine; repairs of Norfolk. timber-sheds number thirty and thirty-one; repairs of naval store number fifteen; repairs of stables; repairs of carpenters’ shop; repairs of buildings number nineteen and thirty-seven; machinery and tools; dredging channels ; and repairs of all kinds, four hundred and sixty-eight thousand tive hundred dollars. Pensacola.—For repairs of machine shop, storehouse, commandant’s Pensacola. quarters, commander’s quarters, onicers’ quarters, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and seventy-one thousand dollars. More bland. —- For continuing grading and paving; foundry establish- Mare Island. ment; completing iron-wharf cranes; smithery, tools, and machinery; cistern and holder for gas—works; saw-mill machinery; coal house and wharf; sea-wall continuation; guard-house; completing one half of storehouse; and repairs of all kinds, two hundred and eight thousand eight hundred dollars. Saclcetfs Harbor. — For repairs of all kinds, two thousand dollars. b Sackettls Har- O1'. HOSPITALS. Hospitals. Boston. —- For repairs of buildings, roads, fences, painting hospital, en- 3mm_ largement of cemetery, glazing, painting, furniture, and miscellaneous items, eight thousand nve hundred dollars. Mw Zark.-—-For repairs of hospital buildings, appendages, roads, New York. fences, walls, stables, painting, glazing in hospital and laboratory, and labor on cemetery and grounds, fourteen thousand dollars. Washington, District of Oolumbla.——— For completing building author- Washington. ized by act of March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, thirty thousand dollars. N0rfollc.—For plastering, glazing, painting, repair of wharves and Norfolk. bridges, repair of cemetery enclosure, gas nxtures, and nagging, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Pensacola. -—— For extension of building, enclosures, rooms for distribut- Pensacola. ing stores, and for general repairs and improvements, ten thousand nve hundred dollars. Memphis. — For repairs and improvements, seven thousand dollars. Memphis. New Orleans. ——- For repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars. New Orleans. MAGAZINES. Magazines. Portsmouth.--For shot—beds; quay walls; boiler, boiler-room, and Portsmouth. machinery; grading grounds; and repairs of all kinds, forty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-nve dollars. Boston. — For repairs of magazine, shell-houses, wharf at Chelsea, and Boston.