Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/820

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792 INDEX. Civil Expenses, (continued? Civil Expenses, (continued.) on coasts of alifornia., Oregon, for detection of counterfeiting Unitaud Washington, ... 846 ed States notes, 851 special works 011,.3 .. . 346 for pay of clerk of committee on for public buildings and grounds, ways and means, ... 351 &c., . . . 346 for pay of persons on board U. S. Presidenifs house, &.c., 347 gunboat “Cincinnati," .,.. . . 351 lighting capitol and public For pay of stamp clerk at San Frangrounds, ...,... 347 cisco, . 351 bridges, avenues, streets, &c.,. 347 additional appropriation for clerks, marble iloor in old hall of Rep- &c., in Treasury Department,. . . 351 resentatives, ... 347 for copies of Statutes at Large from structures for statuary, ... 347 Little, Brown & Co., 351 iron panel, &c., in ceiling of li- for salaries of additional clerks in bury, . 347 Navy Department, . 351 repairs on basement of Presi- digest of elecdou cases, ... 352 dent’s house, ... 847 for deficiency in Senate appropriawater-pipes in same, .. 347 tion, . ... . .. 352 enclosing Franklin Square, 847 for deficiency in Congressional enclosing Armory Square, &c., 348 Globe in present session,. ... 852 for accommodations for State De- for additional appropriation for partments, ... . . 348 vaults, &c., in custom-house at for salary of warden of jail of the Philadelphia, .. 352 District of Columbia, ... 348 for pay of district attorneys, marfor Smithsonian Institute, . 348 shals, &c., for services in supfor government hospital for Insane, 348 pressing slave»traAe, 352 for Botanic Garden, .. 349 of judges and arbitrators, . 352 for Columbian Institution for the for colonization, &c., repealed, . 352 deaf and dumb and blind, ... 349 for sea-walls, ... . . 353 for patent-office, ... . .. 349 for surveys, &c.,. . 354 for survey of the public lands, 349, 350 See Surveys. for miscellaneous purposes, 350 Clackamas, for commission under reciprocity appropriations for the, . 172, 551 treaty, 350 Claims. See Bounty. for capitol extension, . 350 for property lost by capture by the enefor patenvoffice building, .. 350 my, testimony may be taken in the for agricultural report expenses,. . . 350 investigation oi} ... 160 for chief messenger’s salary in agri- for bounty, . . . ... 379 cultural department, .. ’ . . 350 of loyal citizens in loyal states for quarfor telegraph between Atlantic and termasters’ stores, furnished and re- Pacific, annual subsidy for, ., 350 ceipted for, or otherwise proved, to for north wing of the treasury ex- be submitted be quartermastengeutension, ... 350 eral, &c., .. 381 for furniture for treasury build- if apparently just, to be reported to ing, ... 350 third auditor of treasury with, &c. 381 for vaults in United States deposi- of loyal citizens, &c., for subsistence, tories, . . ... 350 &c., how to be settled, ... 381, 382 for repairs on custom-houses, &c.,. . 350 of friendly Sioux Indians for relief,. . . . 427 for new custom·house at Portland,. 350 for lands taken for Indian reservations for furniture and repairs of public in Washington Territory, ... 432 buildings, . 350 Clark, J. H, §· Co., for heating apparatus in treasury claim of, to be referred to court of building, .. 350 claims, ... . . ... 587 for plates, paper, dies, printing, and Clearing, yo., Lands, expenses of circulating notes,... 350 in Indian reservations, payments for, for discharge of miscellaneous &c. ... 694, 695 claims, , 350 Clearing-éouse O'ertz_)‘ka.tes, for messengers to bring electoral to be deemed lawful money for certain votes, .. 350 purposes for banking associations,. . . 109 for tationery in Treasury Depart Clerk, ment, . 350 to commission under treaty with Great for Biennial _Reg·ister, .. . .. 350 Britain, ... 652 for deficiency in San Francisco Clerks. See Additional Clerks. branch mint, .. . 350 of supreme court of District of Columfor deficiency for Indian hostilities bia., fees, &c., of} . . . .195, 196 in Minnesota, provided, &c., . 350 in bureau of military justice, .. . . . . 145 for territorial expenses of Montana, 851 pay of those of army paymasters, . 145 for purchase of maps, &c., for li- certain in office of paymastengeneral bmry, 351 transferred to office of third auditor for plans for capitol wings, ventilnt- of treasury, ... . . .. . ... 161 ing, &c., ... 351 additional in office of assistant treasurer, for additional clerical force in as- New York, 161 sistant treasurefs office in Phila- in the office of the Secretary of the delphia, 351 Treasury, . . ... 161