Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/821

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INDEX. 793 Ckrks, (continued.) Oolleetion. See Post-0 e Departm .

 at Kicmy and Philadelphia mvy yards, of certain debts cig; the Unitg States

act for relief cf} . .,... . . 410 act to Bxcilitate, ... . . . 432 to ruperimendent of Ipdian aihirs in Collection Districts, California, appointment, pay, &c., ot} 40 of Cape Perpetua and Port Orford s.boI· of circuit court for tenth circuit, ap- ished, . 125 pointment, 8.0.,, z .. 4, 5 of Milwaukie, territory, &c., added to,. 134 ma.y app01nt depuues, &c., 4, 5 under internal revenue aut, 224 to supermtendent of money-order sys- Collection of Duties on Imports, tem, ... - ... 79 of direct taxes in insurrectiona disto pnymasters in navy, classified, and tricts, ..,... 501-504 their pay graduated, ... 92 See Duties on Imports, . 441 government, not to receive pay for ser- Collection of Internal Revenue, vices in any matter where the United pay 0 coliecbors, . 469 Smtes is a party, . . 123 duty of collectors, 469 to committee of ways and means, pay of, 351 Oollecwu, in the P0st·OHce Department author- to collect duty on cotton, . . 16 ized, ... .. . . ... 515 of internal revenue, pay of, . . . . 469

 gp office of Amrney Gener¤l,:  616 to deposit daily gross amount of collecnt mg, tions,  ,  483

appropriation for, .. 24, 128, 497 duties of} in collecting internal revenue, non-commissioned officers and private; 469, 470 of volunteers to receive same as those to give notice when and where duties iq regular army, ... 487 are payable, ... 469, 470 Coal, Bxummous, and other, notice to those who neglect to pay for duty on, . 206 morg than tem days, 470 Coal-beavers, if not paid in ten days after notice, duingmval sggice, honorable discharge to ties to be cggected fvith costs, and ten e gran. to, . . ... . par cent. an itiona , . . .. Coa£—Lands, distraiut and sale, proceedings for, . 470 wot for disposal of) in public domain,. . . 343 persons and companies required by law may be sold at public sale, 348 to make returns, timing to do so, to be when liable to private entry, .. 343 estimated by assessor, . . . 470 persons actually engaged in c0a,l-mining collection by distmint and sale, 470 011 the public lands may enter 160 duty and costs and penalties to be a

 acres at $20 an were,  529 Ban in favor of tgz United ?tates upon  

mining, propert an ri ts 0 ro ert , , persons actually engaged in, on public 471 lands, may enter 160 acres at $20 an eifect of certificate of sulc, . 471 . acre, to embrace improvements and books having statements of subjects of mining premises,. .. 529 taxutionto be 'submitted for inspection, 471 description of premises, when to be filed, 529, property dzgmined may be redeemed by 530 in , ., .. . Caasting Trade, €xe€¤ptions from distraiut, . . . . 471 foreign gs northern, &c., frontiers, act atfzyts, gc be dgajgnateg 3 ating to to re ate, . . .. u es 0 expor non an aw c ,. . Coast Surv , Collectors and Us ut Collectors, npprogiatious for the, . I. . . .. ... 344, 345 under intergggrcvenue act, 224, 225 Cbastwise Slew;-Trade, to be disb1gs1¤§ agent}; . 306 rchibite , . ., ee nt uma. Fepcal of act of 1807, ch. 22, §§ 8, 9, re- Collectors of Customs, latiug to, . . 853 annual pay of certam, on northern, &c., Codofcativn of Naval Laws, frouucrs, . . . .. . 134

 appropriation for commissioner,  24 not to exceed a certzun sum, .. 184

Cpim fees and cmoluments of} to be accomxtcd genalty for c<;1mu? feiting, . 120, for, .. . . ut u ou sa eso ... w may c arge , judgmgut in suits for duties aud penal- bonds ct} how approved and where ties to be collected in coin, .. 494 kgpt, . .;J .65 134

 ,, ecxsxon 0 , as 0 e, .,

0 ? three-cent pieces authorized, . 517 imports to be final, unless,. . . 2}4, 216 laws relating bo, made applicable to cemn, may have certmn duties renut- com .. . . , , ... , ... the mintto, In God we trust} tu be 0oll?e Rqnchc, placed upon coins of the United States, and m Cuhfomm., known us, yqaybe sold, 148 if; &.c., ... . 518 breaching §f Jrrgtz ;¢é1;d;tions, &c., Coins, waiv y the m e a es, of the United States, the mom, In God Colktt, Dame! Jr., we trust/ to be placed upon, it; name of} to be borne on rolls as first &c., .. 518 Hgnmnejybb i. . . ..j ? --.-· h- -- 608 Darius S., o ins, my c mug . ee e egrup .

pnyment to, for materials, ...r. 578 authorizedjao construct telegraph bne to

Colfax Street. See District of Columbia. tgouuda,mes of Brmsh America from in the city of Washingto¤é .. 356 Imc of Pacniic telegraph,. ... 340 VOL. xm. PUB. —