Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/865

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INDEX. 837 Navy Appropnatzon, (contmued.) Nebraska T erritory (continued.) to bereturned to Annapohs, .l 85 for religious toleration, 48 additional professors at,. . , 85 to disclaim all right to unappr0— wharves, depots, &c., at Key West, 84 priated public lands, 48 naval observatory, S4, 466 not to tax lands of the United American Nautical Almanac, .. 84, 466 States, . . .. 48 naval asylum, ... . 85, 466 t0_ be submitted to popular vote,. . . 48 enlarged accommodations of) .. 466 returns of votes to be made how and to cemetery for navy and marine corps, . . . 85 whom, 48 gratuities and medals of honor, . 85 if majority of legal vobes is for the co11— bountles {br destructnon of enemy’s stitution, result to be certiied to Presvessels, . . . 85 ident, . 49 photographer for ordnance bureau.,.. 85, 467 President by proclamation to declare pay of officers and crew of the “Moni- state admitted, . 49 t0r," lost at sea, 85 representative in congress, 49 of the “Ca1r0,” .. `85 governor and state officers, first election two dry docks authorized, 85 of) 49 application of former appropriation, 85 lands to be set apart for schools, ... 49 balance to enlarge sectional dock,. . 85 for public buildings, .. 49 emergencies at the Atlantic, Gulf; and for penitentiary building,. .. ... 49 Mississippi, . . . ..,.. 466 for state university, .. 49 no midshipmen to be appointed for dis— salt springs, with lands adjoining, .. 49 trict not represented in congress,... . . 466 five per cent. of proceeds of sales of. pay of officer chargeclwith experiments public lands to be applied to support in gunnery,. .. . 466 of common schools, 49 expenses of commission to select site for laws of the United States made applicanaval yard or station on the Mlssis- ble, .. . . .. . 49 sippi River, &c., .. . 466 state to constitute one judicial district,. 50 Secretary of Navy may purchase re- expenses of convention, . . . 50 mainder of square 948 in Washington Nelson, Charles L., for naval hospital, .. 467 payment to, for services, .. 580 bunting for army and navy need not be Nesbitt, George F., furnished by contract with lowest bid- may terminate his contract with the der, ... 467 United States, .. 583 contracts may be made for, of Amer- Nezatraliqy Act, ican manufacture, .. 467 expenses under the, .. 424 Navy Department, Nevada, appropriations for tue, . . ... 154, 462 appropriations for government in terri- Ahvy Department Building, tory of, ... 156 portion of contingent fund may be ex- Indian service in, .. .. .179, 456, 558 pended for enlarging,. . . . . . . 565 post-routes established in, . .322, 522 Navy Yard. See Naval Station. with Idaho, to constitute one surveyoron Mississippi River, expenses of com- generals district, .. 353 mission to select site forx 466 act enabling people oi} to form a state a propriation for the, 466 government, and to admit the state Navy Ilizrds, into the Union, .. . . 30 appropriations for, ... 24, 82, 83, 464 inhabitants to form state government, Nebraska Territory, with same name, &c., ... 30 territorial government in, .. . ..156, 456 boundaries, .,... 30 construction of wagon-roads in, author- voters at election to choose representaized, . . . 516, 517 tives to form convention, 31 appropriation for, . . ... . . . . 517 if such voters are enlisted soldiers, posbroutes established in, . 321 when and where they may vote,. 31 act enabling people oi to form a, state who may be elected representative to government, and to admit the state convention, . ..: ... . 31 into the Union, 47 time of flrst elecuon, .. . . . 31 inhabitants to form state government, time and place of meeting of conventuon, 31 with same name, &c., . . . 47 authority of convention, .. 31 boundaries, ... . . . 47 constitution to be republican,. .: .. 31 voters at election to choose representa- to provide by irrevocable ordinance, tives to form convention, .. 47, 48 unless, &c., that there shall be if such voters are enlisted soldiers, no slavery or involuntary serwhen and where they may vote,. 48 vitude, t . : .. .. 31 ,. who may be elected representative to for religious toleratmn, ... 31 convention, ... . 48 to disclaim all right to unapproapportionment of representatives, . 48 priated public lands, . . . . 31 time of first election, . 48 not to tax lands of tbe United time and place of meeting of conveu- States, . ... 31 tion, . . 48 to be submitted to popular vote,. .31 85 authority of convention, .. 48 returns of votes to be made, how and to constitution to be republican, . . 48 —whom! 32 to provide by irrevocable ordinance, if magorxty of legal votes xg for the conunless, &c., that there shall be no stitutiou, result to be cernfied to Presslavery or involuntary servitude, 48 ident, . . . , . 32