Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/866

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838 INDEX. Nevada, (continued.)Msqwllys, President, by proclamation, to declare appropriations for the, . 167, 546 state admitted, . 32 Non-Residents. See Internal Revenue. representative in congress, 32 provisions relating to taxes upon, 228, governor and state oiilcers, first election 229, 265 of; . .. . 32 Norfolk, lands to be set apart for schools, ... 32 blockade of, to cease so hr that, &c.,. . . 751 for public buildings, .. 32 North Carolina, for penitentiary building, . 32 not entitled to representation in electoral five per cent. of proceeds of sales of college, , . . 667 public lands to be applied to making provisional governor appointed for, . 760 roads, &c., .,... 32 United States to help, . 760 or to general system of irriga— convention, qualifications of electors, tion, .. 32 &c., . .. 760 laws of the United States made applica- Northern Pacific Railroad, ble, ... 32 act granting lands, &c., to, 365 state to constitute one judicial district,. 32 powers of} &c., ... . ... 366 admitted into the Union as a state, . 750 to lay out railroad and telegraph,. .. 366 state oi, made a judicial district, ... 440 capital stock of, .. 366 attached to the tenth circuit, .. 440 commissioners for, .. . . 366 Judge, marshal, and attorney to be ap- qporum 0iQ . .. . . .. 366 pointed, ... 440 first meeting of; .. 366 terms of the district and circuit courts,. 440 officers otl &c., ... 366 jurisdiction of circuit and district courts, 440 mode of procedure oi] . 867 pay of judge, marshal, and attorney,. .. 440 right of way, &c., of} .. 367 special sessions of circuit court, 440, 441 Indian titles to be extinguished for, 367 clerks and deputies, and their fees,. 441 grant of lands to, . 367 limit to amount of fees, . . . 441 mineral land excluded, . . .. 368 appeals and writs of error in the su- United States commissioners on,. .. 368 preme court of the United States,. 441 provisions as to, . 368 other appeals and writs of error, ... 441 how to be constructed, &c., 368 possessory actions for the recovery of gauge, .. 368 mining titles not to be anected by par- telegraph line, ... 868 amount title being in the United connection of other roads with, 369 States, 441 lands on side oi how to be surveyed, public lands in, attached to surveying &c., .. 369 district of California, ... 460 lands taken by, .. 369 New Hampshire, damages for, .. . .. 369 post-roads established in, .. 525 appeal from assessment of, . 369 New Jersey, when held by infants, &c., . 370 post-roads established in, .. 319 claims for, when to be made, .. 370 New Mexico, conditions of all land grants to, . 370 heirs of Luis Maria Baca may relocate if broken, United States may com— certain land in, .. . .. 125 plete road, . 370 New Mexico Territnr , who may subscribe to stock, ... 370 appropriations {liar government in,.. .156, 456 no mortgage, unless, &c., . . 370 Indian service in, .177, 557, 558 to be postroute and military road, . 370 with Arizona, to constitute one surveyon to signify acceptance, &c., of grant, &c., general’s district, . . . 352, 353 in writing, . . ... 370 survey of public lands in, . 349 directors of} to make annual report oi,. . 371 postroads established in, .. 525 president and other officers of . 371 Newport, Vermont, regulations as to, &c.,. .. .. 371 made a port for exportation to the Brit- payment of cash assessment, ... 371 ish Provinces, .. 749 notice oi, 371 News-Boys’ Home, stock to be forfeited, ii, &-x:., ... 371 act to incorporate, 99 may accept grants, &c., ... 372 New York, must obtain consent of state legislatures po broutes established in,. . 319, 524 t0, &c., . . .. 372 Northern district of, sessions of circuit bona fide subscription to, &c., .. 372 and district courts in, ... 385 act void, unless, &c.,. . 37 2 two assistant local inspectors of steam- act may be altered, &c., ... 372 boats authorized in New York, .. 514 North- West Executive Building, compensation, &.c., of, . . 514 appropriations for the, . 153, 453 New Zark Indians, Mztaries Public, Q appropriations for the, . . . ..164, 544 in the District of Columbia, appoint- Nez Perces, ment, term of office, number, 44 approprianons for the, . 174, 553 to take oath and give bond, ... 44 Niagara, may make demand and protest of bills additional inspectors authorized at,. . . 198 and notes, . 44 Nicaragua, may take acknowledgments, &c., ... 44 contracts for carrying mail matter by to keep records of official acts, except,.. 45 route of; ... 68 to have notarial seul, .. 45 discriminating duties of tonnage, as re- seal and records not liable to be seized specucs, discontinued, ... . 739 on execution, .. 45