Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/2

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CLT ·-· 1 QZCO U6; ii * P straps L3 » “ U. ADVERTISEMENT. wl l * as ood; IN publishing the following Laws, the same plan has been adopted that was prescribed in the Joint Resolution of Congress of March 3, 1845, authorizing a subscription to the edition of all the Laws of the United States published by us. A close examination of this volume will disclose some apparent errors in the Laws as here printed; but as we procure a careful collation with the records at Washington by an experienced reader of the Department of State, and scrupulously follow the original, any seeming errors must be attributed to the Rolls, and not to us. Where anything absolutely necessary to the sense is omitted in the Rolls, it is inserted in the text, enclosed in brackets. We intend to publish annually, and as soon after the close of each Session of Congress as is possible, the Acts of that Se ion, in a similar form and with a similar arrangement. It will be seen, by the following extracts from the Act of Congress, August 8, 1846, and the Joint Resolutions of September 26, 1850, and March 81, 1866, that our edition has been sanctioned by Congress, and is the Orrxcmn Emriou.

    • And whereas said edition of the said Lnws Asn Tnnnrss or run Umrmn Sums

has been carefully collated and compared with the original Rolls in the Archives ey" the Government, under the mgpection and supervision of the Attorney-General of the United States, as duly certified by that o ecr: therefore, Be it further enacted, that said edition of the Laws AND Tnsnruts or rim Umrnn Srarms, published by Lrr·rr.¤ & Bnowu, is hereby declared to be competent evidence of the several Public and Private Acts of Conoress, and of the several Treaties therein contained, in all the Courts of Law and Equity and Maritime Jurisdiction, and in all the Tribunals and Public Offices of the United States and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication ”lG7'€0_]‘:”-—.APPROVED, August 8, 1846. "·Resolvcd by the. Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be authorized and directed to contract with Lxrrnn 8: Bnovm to furnish their annual Statutes at Large, printed in conformity with the plan adopted lr Congress in eighteen hundred and forty- ve, instead of the edition usually issued by his ox Jer, under the act of Copigrem of April twentieth, eighteen hundred and ei h- teen, and which conforms to an edition the laws now out of use." —— APPROVED, September 26, 1850. " Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to renew the contract of October thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty, between the Department of State and LITTLE, Bnowu, Arm COMPANY, of Boston, Massachusetts, for the annual publication of the Statutes at Large of the United Sta*es until otherwise ordered by Congress, in conformity with the joint resolutions approved res ectively March third, eighteen hundred and forty-five, and September thirtieth [twenty-sixth], eighteen hundred and fifty." — AP- rnovnn, March 31, 1866. LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY BOSTON, January, 1868. [N. B. The references in the margin in this Volume to Volume XV., arc to the Pamphlet of the Session Laws of the First Session of the Fortieth Congress, which will make a part of Volume XV. of the Statutes at Large.] Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by LITTLE, Bnowzz, Arm Comrnur, in the Clei-k‘s Omoo of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.

Umvsnsrrv Pxnss: Wzncu, Bxoatow, & Co., Cummnoz.