Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/789

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TREATY WTTH THE SEMINOLE INDIANS. Mn0H 21, 1866. 759 md if none should be thus formally selected by any nation or tribe, tho said nation or tribe shall be represented in said general council by tho chiefs and hcadmcn of said tribes, to be taken in the order of their rank, in the same number and proportion as above indicated. After the said census shall have been taken and completed, the superintendent of Indian ahhh-s shall publish and declare to each tribe the number of members of said council to which they shall be entitled under the provisions of this article; and the persons so entitled to represent said tribe shall meet at such time and place as he shall appoint; but thereafter tho time and place Timo and of she sessions of said council shall be determined by its action: Pro- Pl“°°°*“°°°“”8· vided, That no session in any one year shall exceed tha term of thirty Smiommotto days, and provided that special sessions of said council may be called by °‘°°f’d 8° d'!"- said superintendent whenever, in his judgment, or that of the Secretary 8iO§£°°m '°" of the Interior, the interest of said tribes shall require. I 3d. Said general council shall have power to legislate upon all right- P¤w¤¤<>f hl subjects and matters pertaining to the intercourse and relations of the g°°°"I °°"°u’ Indian tribes and nations resident in said territory; the arrest and extraditiou of criminals and offenders escaping from one tribe to another; the administration of justice between members of the several tribes of said territory, and persons other than Indians and members of said tribes or nations; the construction of works of internal improvement and the common defence and safety of the nation of said territory. All laws enacted by said council shall take effect at such time as may therein be provided, unless suspended by direction of the Secretary of tho Intenjior or the President of tho United States. No law shall be enacted inconsistent with the Constitution of tho United States, on- the lgws of Congress, or existing treaty stipulations with the United States; nor shall said council legislate upon matters pertaining to the organization, laws, or customs of the several tribes, except as herein provided for. 4th. Said council shall be presided over by tho superintendent of In- Whotopmsido diau ufaim, or, in case of his absence for any cause, the duties of said °'°' °°"°u‘ superintendent enumerated in this article shall be performed by such person as the Secretary of the Interior may direct. 5th. The Secretary of the Interior shall appoint a secretary of said Socrohrycf council, whose duty it shall be to keep an accurate record of all the pro- °°'m°u· ccodiugs of said council, and who shall transmit a tmc copy of all such proceedings, duly certified by the superintendent of Indian aifairs, to the Secretary of the Interior immediately after the session of said council. He shall be paid out of the treasury of the United States an annual sal- Pwary of Evo hundred dollars. 6th. The members of said council shall be paid by the United States Pay ofmem- R10 Bum of four dollars per diem during the time actually in attendance b°’“· upon the sessions of said council, and at the raw of four dollars for every twenty miles necessarily travelled by them in going to said council and returning to their homes, respectively, to be certified by the secretary of the said council and the sup[erintonde.n]t of Indian aiihirs. 7th. The Seminoles also agree that a. court or courts may be established Courts. in said territory, with such jurisdiction and organized in such manner as Congress may by law provide. ARTICLE VIII. The stipulations of this treaty are to be a full sctt1c· b Th:_;u¤¤*m’ *° ment of all claims of said Seminole nation for damages and losses of every 1:G:t of 3 °` kind growing out of the late rebellion, and all expenditures by the United claims. States of annuities in clothing and feeding refugee and destitute Indians since the diversion of annuities for that purpose, consequent upon the late war with the so-called coufedcratc states. And the Seminoles hereby ratiffyhnd confirm all such diversions of annuities heretofore made from Diyqnious of WB llllds of the Seminole nation by the United States. And the United °“"‘“‘“°“‘ States agree that no annuities shall be diverted from the objects for which they were originally devoted by treaty stipulations with the Seminoles,