Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/836

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806 TREATY WITH THE CHEROKEE INDIANS. JULY 19, 1866. V°l;\¤¤°F;·h°W all bounties and arrears for service in the regiments of Indian United °° ° pmStates volunteers which shall remain unclaimed by any person legally e¤· titled to receive the same for two years from the ratification of this treaty, shall be paid as the national council may direct, to be applied to the foundation and support of an asylum for the education of orphan children, which asylum shall be under the control of the national council, or of such benevolent society as said council may designate, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. Y"°¤¤€¤¤?°¤¤¤d ARTICLE XXVI. The United States guarantee to the people of the B;(Q;§;°*°” gum" Cherokee nation the quiet and peaceable possession of their country and protection against domestic feuds and insurrections and against hostilities of other tribes. They shall also be protected against inter[r]uptions or intrusion from all unauthorized citizens of the United States who may attempt to settle on their lands or reside in their territory. In case of hostilities among the Indian tribes, the United States agree that the party or parties commencing the same shall, so far as practicable, make reparation for the damages done. _ Miiiwr posts ARTICLE XXVII. The United States shall have the right to establish m Cheroliee nu- · · · · · nom one or more IIIIIIIZPY posts or statnons m the Cherokee natwn, as may be deemed necessary for the proper protection of the citizens of the United · States lawfully residing therein and the Cherokees and other citizens of ¤pirituous,&e. the Indian country. But no sutler or other person connected therewith, h‘i“°" f°"b“1` either in or 0ut of the military organization, shall be permitted to introden, except, &c. duce an . . . . . . y sp1rxt[u]0us, vmous, or malt liquors into the Cherokee nation, except the medical department proper, and by them only for strictly med- Cmain_ppr- ical purposes. And all persons not in the military service of the United

 States, not citizens of the Cherokee nation, are to be prohibited from

mm me mm,,¤_ coming into the Cherokee nation, or remaining in the same, except as herein otherwise provided; and it is the duty of the United States Indian arrent for the Cherokees to have such persons, not lawfull residin or mgourning therein, removed from the nation, as they now hre, or limafter may be, required by the Indian intercourse laws of the United States. payment for AR·r1cLm XXVIII. The United States hereby agree to pay for pro· ¢¢¤¤i¤ p¤>Vi— visions and clothing furnished the army under Appotholehala in the win- ?mé_“"d °l°` ter of 1861 and 1862, not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars, the accounts to be ascertained and settled by the Secretary of the Interior. Expenses of Amrcnm XXIX. The sum of ten thousand [dollars,] or so much Cherokee dale- thereof as may be necessary to pay the expenses of the delegates and $**‘°i°‘“· representatives of the Cherokees invited by the government to visit Amendment Washingtoxi for the purposes of making this treaty, shall be paid by the Post, p. 807. United States on the ratification of this treaty. Payment of Amicus XXX. The United States agree to pay to the proper claimgermip19ss¤s_ ants all losses of property by missionaries or missionary societies, result- &{',_m‘”‘°"”‘”’ ing from their being ordered or driven from the country by United States agenw, and from their property being taken and occupied or destroyed by by United States troops, not exceeding in the aggregate twenty thousand dollars, to be ascertained by the Secretary of the Interior. yncomimm ARTICLE XXXI. All provisions of treaties, heretofore ratified and iu ¤‘€¤¤*Y P¤‘0ViSi0¤5 force, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this treaty, are hereby °"°“n¢d' rezxfiirmed and declared to be in full force; und nothing herein shall be construed as an acknowledgment by the United States, or as a relinquishment by the Cherokee nation of any claims or demands under the guax·· antics of former treaties, except as herein expressly provided. Execution. In testimony whereof, the said commissioners on the part of the United States, and the said delegation ou the part of the Cherokee nation, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the city of Washington, this ninth [nineteenth] day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty- six.