Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/389

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 415. 1872. 349 from and thereafter and up to and including the day following the day of the c1ection,be always open for the transaction of business under this act; and the powers and jurisdiction hereby granted and conferred sha11_ ?¤w¤=;¤¤d be exercised, as well in vacation as in term time ; and a judge, sitting at {;;’;€’°u°° °fth° chambers, shall have the same powers and jurisdiction, including the power of keeping order and of punishing any contempt of his authority, as when sitting in the court: Provided, That no compensation shall be allowed to Compensation the supervisors herein authorized to be appointed, except those appointed °f ‘“P°“`iS°*`°· in cities or towns of twenty thousand or more inhabitants. And no per- Cmm porson shall be appointed under this act as supervisor of election who is not mm !";*é° b° at the time of his appointment a qualified voter of the county, parish, $l‘§,QQ° wpm election district, or voting precinct for which he is appointed. And no 0, deputy-ma,·. person shall be appointed deputy-marshal under the act of which this is ¤h¤l¤· amendatory, who is not a qualified voter at the time of his appointment, in the county, parish, district, or precinct in which his duties are to be performed. And section thirteen of the act of which this is an amend- Some circuit ment shall be construed to authorize and require the circuit courts of the cfm'! °P¤“¤*l5· United States in said section mentioned to name and appoint, as soon as iiimzlaincigillt to may be after the passage of this act, the commissioners provided for in lveappointeq said section, in all cases in which such appointments have not already g¥§;;gEf;"‘“°' been made in conformity therewith. And the third section of the act to Each mem which this is an amendment shall be taken and construed to authorize judge m desigj each of the judges of the circuit courts of the United States to designate one or more of the judges of the district courts within his circuit to discharge under this act, the duties arising under this act or the act to which this is an amendment. &°· And the words ‘ any person' in section four of the act of May thirty- Words ‘°imy first, eighteen hundred and seventy, shall be held to include any officer or P°”°”;°t*”,f°*'* other person having powers or duties of an official character under this m§;°&; m` act or the act to which this is an amendment: Provided, That nothing in Appgniptment this section shall be so construed as to authorize the appointment of any ga*;:l£;f;°:`f"l marshals or deputy-marshals in addition to those heretofore authorized by depdties not aulaw: And provided further, That the supervisors herein provided for shall ¤¤<>}‘iZ¤d l}¤*¤l>Y· have no ower or authorit to make arrests or to erform other duti S°l°°"m°”i‘° P y P have H0 OWCI', than to be in the immediate presence of the officers holding the election, except, Sic. and to witness all their proceedings, including the counting of the votes and the making of a return thereof. And so much of said sum herein appropriated as may be necessary for said supplemental and amendatory Appropriation. provisions is hereby appropriated from and after the passage of this act." For the support and maintenance of convicts transferred from the Convicts. District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars. For the compensation of special counsel and other legal services, and Specialesuufor incidental expenses in taking testimony, fees of witnesses and of $‘~;L;‘;‘d **5**1 SE" commissioners in relation to claims before the mixed American and British mfqsh clghns claims commission, twenty-five thousand dollars. ¤¤¤>¤¤i¤¤i¤¤- For defraying the expenses of defending claims under the convention Claims omwith Mexico of fourth July, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, to be ex- wlm pended under the direction of the Attorney-General, ten thousand dollars. VOL xg, P ;;·;g_ For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury, or his agents, for the seizure of Sui?:i$)';°;eiQ€,r° captured or abandoned property; and for the examination of witnesses ¤rcapmred,&c., in claims against the United States pending in any department; and for P’<’P°’*Y» &°· the defence of the United States in the court of claims, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, thirty thousand dollars, no part of which- shall be paid to attorneys or counsellors at law for profes- No pmwlawsional services, for appearing and assisting in the trial of causes in the gg;ai°;el’;§’£;' supreme, circuit, or district courts of the United States, or court of claims; ' and that the Attorney-General make report to Congress at the end of the Am,,m)._gm_ Hscal year of the manner of the expenditure of this fund, and to whom eral wreportm and for what purposes paid. °°"g"°”’ &°'