Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/390

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350 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 415. 1872. Detection, gm, For this sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be Qxpguded ¤f ¤rim9¤¤g¤i¤¤¤ under the direction of the Attorney-General in the detection and pros,- g*;;t§Q?*‘°“ cution of crimes against the United States, fifty thousand dollars, Pmwuon of For expenses to be incurred in the profecrggon and collection of cigims claims due. due the United States to be disbursed un er e direction of the Atmme . General, twenty-five thousand dollars. y Qi<>F£g¤¤£;f To enable the Secrew.ry6>f th<%Treesuryh to coliect captured and u ’ * abandoned property of the Hihed hates M1 to G0 act procure and pmpmy preserve all vouchers, papers, records, and evidence, and, to mkeitgm. mony as to claims against the United States, to be paid only upon the certificate of the commissioners of claims, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS. statistics of For continuing the collection of statistics of mines and mining, to bg $g¤¤S¤¤d ¤¤i¤- laid before Congress, to be expended under the direction of the Seeremy ` of the Treasury nfteen thousand dollars. Geologic,] W, For the continuation of the geological survey of the territories of the vey by rvfessvr United States by Professor F. V. Hayden, under the direction of the H“yd°“‘ Secretary of the Interior, during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, seventy-Eve thousand dollars. survey of the For completing the survey of the Colorado of the West and its trib- WC`y;<;¤•é;°*`g$° utaries by Professor J. W. Powell, under the direction of the Smithsonian P ,·'“ 'j, · IL Institution twenty thousand dollars. m mor We For continuing the inquiry into the causes of the decrease of the fogfggifs °f food-fishes of the coast and the lakes of the United States, Eve thousand ` dollars. fI;:¤g<¥¤¤fi<>¤ For the introduction of shed into the waters of the Pacific States, gm algosaggg the Gulf States, and of the Mississippi valley, and of salmon, whiteof the United fish, and other useful food-fishes, mto the waters of the United States S*·’·t“· to which they are best adapted, fifteen thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the United States commissioner of fish and fisheries. Astronomical To enable the superintendent of the coast survey to cause astronomical °b*°""“‘°“*‘ observations to be made at one of the highest points on the line of the Pacific railroad, two thousand dollars. Thomas Don. T0 enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Thomas Donaldson ¤ld¤°¤· balance due him for services as constructing superintendent of the penitentmry buildin at Boise cit Idaho, two hundred and fort dollars and mt g Y: Y n cen . Ov M. Lo¤k· To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to repay to C. M. Lockwood, "°°d· late mail contractor, the amount of fine paid on the order of the Postmaster- General, but afterward remitted by that officer, four hundred and seventy- seven dollars and fifty-six cents.

 Wyoming ter- For contingent expenses of the office of the secretary of the Territory

'“°"5’· of Wyoming, one thousand five hundred dollars. Pavi1hgr3nd— To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay only the reasonable GX-

,’;fk;:‘&;’f nenses heretofore incurred for paving roadway and curbing and pgwing

the District, of S1d6W&U§s m front of the property of the United States in the Dxstrlct of C°l“’f’b'a· CO1\1H1bl&, 0n0 hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and EWGHUY

  • ·**m·m? iS;;??'§fOiT?br1ZS°l§£`§§°?Zr?Zt£“2Zd`°1‘}“"€§’“2"‘I»3' ‘ i;“.§} ‘LiLr1`ii$§iat°éSc$€S

s ee on 1-. No more meet and Franklin squares ; and no further street railroads shall be iaid down

‘:£ "8‘;‘;f’· "“h' in the city of Washington without the consent of Congress.

Cost of filling To pay th6 board of public works of the District of Columbia U16

2:% wd of gropgrtrgn of the gust properly payable by the United States g0V6I‘¤¤1€¤t

' or 1; e ing 0 the canal from Seventh street west to Seventeenth treet west, and of the cost of the intercepting sewer along the canal adjoining the property of the United States government, said work being under the