Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/549

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FORTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 226. 1873. 509 superintendent of the money-order system, and the superintendent of Salaries of cerforeign mails of the Post-office Department, shall be four thousand dollars ¤‘*“,°'H°°” °’· each per annum: and the salaries of the two chiefs of the diplomatic and §i,liii°i1°(}8°;gt°r of the consular bureaus in the Department, of State, and of the chiefs of l the bureaus of accounts and of indexes and archives, shall be two thousand four hundred dollars each per annum, and a sufficient sum to carry into APP¤‘<>P¤‘i¤¤i°¤· effect the provisions of this section to the end of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, is hereby appropriated. Sec. 4. That the Attorney-General shall cause a suit in equity to be Attorney~Gcninstituted in the name of the United States against the Union Pacific wi ¢<>_l>Fi¤£€ QW Railroad Company, and against all persons who may, in their own names or through any agents, have subscribed for or received capital stock in Railroad Comsaid road, which stock has not been paid for in fiill in money, or who may P““Y» fd *21 P°" have received, as dividends or otherwise, portions of the capital stock of Sons ll O' c` said road, or the proceeds or avails thereof, or other property of said road, unlawfiilly and contrary to equity, or who may have received as profits or proceeds of contracts for construction, or equipment of said road, or other contracts therewith, moneys or other property which ought, in equity, to belong to said railroad corporation, or who may, under pretence of having complied with the acts to which this is an addition, have wrongfully and unlawfully received from the United States bonds, moneys, or lands which ought, in equity, to be accounted for and paid to said railroad company or to the United States, and to compel payment for said stock, and the collection and payment of such moneys, and the restoration of such property, or its value, either to said railroad corporation or to the United States, whichever shall in equity be held entitled thereto. Said suit may Suit to bg be brought in the circuit court in any circuit and all said parties may be bJ‘¤¤sh¢ in M! made defendants in one suit. Decrees may be entered and enforced °“§;2°,.;;°;rt' against any one or more parties defendent without awaiting the final determination of the cause against other parties. The court where said cause is pending may make such orders and decrees and issue such process New mics as it shall deem necessary to bring in new parties or the `representatives &c_ P ’ of parties deceased, or to carry into effect the purposes of this act. On Writs cfsubfiling the bill writs of subpoena may be issued by said court against any 3*; parties defendent, which writ shall run into any district, and shall be how served., served, as other like process, by the marshal of such district. The books, ,%*;*:1* °f*h° records, correspondence, and all other documents of the Union Pacific {:ll;;0ps,?l;,p?,:y Railroad Company, shall at all times be open to inspection by the Score- spcction. tary of the Treasury, or such persons as he may delegate for that purpose. The laws of the United States providing for proceedings in bank- Bankrupt laws ruptcy shall not be held to apply to said corporation. No dividend shall “°f)§‘;,f,¥;’l hereafter be made by said company but from the actual net earnings new s(gqk_ [lim. thereof; and no new stock shall be issued, or mortgages or pledges made on 88%%. &¢· the property or future earnings of the company without leave of Congress, except for the purpose of funding and securing debt now existing, or the N d_ t to renewals thereof. No director or officer of said road shall hereafter be be igmdgsagrin interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract therewith, except for his any contract, exlawful compensation as such officer. Any director or officer who shall °°Yjé£f£y_ pay or declare, or aid in paying or declaring any dividend, or creating any mortgage or pledge prohibited by this act, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding two years, and by fine not exceeding five thousand · I l dollars. The proper circuit court of the United States shall have jurisdic- _;T¤¤r¤¤d¤<·¤¢>¤ of tion to hear and determine all cases of mandamus to compel said Union §;;;‘;n;‘;;,”;I;;;,8_ Pacific Railroad Company to operate its road as required by law. Approved, March 3, 1873.