Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1259

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mosx. 1 1 87 _ Section. Section. B`U'LIlION-Continueds . BUBELU—Continued. qhuality and fineness to be determined . $23 of Btati|tic•—Continned. 0 lfge for coinage repealed as to gold by eu-! statistics of .ma.nufacturesof United States of 1875 ._ . rwfe after. . 3524 to be Epmd by gm`.; Og __________ 342 essayer to certify calculation of value of . . . 3525 I B`UBLING·T8N, N. J'.,

  • '[°¤¤f€¥` OC f°¤‘_<><>l¤ i¤z<>*-S --·---. . 3530 masters of vessels hound for, to deposit mand!8P°¤¤l8 of €hl{E¤8S of --·--- 3540 ifest with collector at Philadelphia . . 2834

unparted, may exchanged at mints for BUBHESB, fine bers ·------~-----·-- . . 3546 certain officers restricted as to engaging in- 243, at amay office at New York, where coined. . 3553 1788, 1789, 2633, 2941 to be conveyed for United States in vessels · BUSDTESS CARDS, _ of ¤i¤¤€¤¤ -·----------- 4204 penalty for rinting, &c., in imitation of or shipper to notify carrier, &c .,,___,___ 4281 upon lam}; notes __________ _ ______ 5133 deposits of, to be reported to director, by for imitating United States securities on . 3708 _ superintendents of mints .,__.,,_,,, 3503 I IBUSHEL, bullion f11I1d, to be provided . . . . 3545 ; what to constitute, in grain imports ... 2919 mayube used to purchase silver bullion . . 3526 ; num e, C- purchases of, for Navy, not subject to pro- , CADETS, (Seejlilitury Academy, Naval Acadvisions as to advertising, &.c 3721 amy.) of American manufacture may be con- ~ at Hilitary Ac5d9my_ _ _- _____________ 1309.134} tncted for . 3729 , corps of, part of Army . 1094 BUDYQ. assignment cf, to corps . 1213 materials for construction, &c., of, how pro- may be brevetted second lieutenants after cured . 4666 graduation, awaitin promotion. . 1213-1215 on coasts, bays, &c., how to be colored and at Naval Academy, cadet-engineers, ap- ¤¤l¤b¢l‘6d -...-.-.. 4678 pointment as second engineers .. 1394 DUIDEN OF PBOQF, as assistant constructors 1403 when on claimant, in cases of seizure under classes, appointment, studies 1522-1525 impost or tonnage laws, &c ,,,__,_,_ 909 pa of ..,..,,.,,,. 1526 on white person, in trial of rights of prop- cadet midshipmen, number of . . .1512, 1513 ertfy between Indians and whites 2126 appointment, studies, promotion . 1514-1526 in case o seizure of distilled spirits 3333 y of 1556 on plaintiff in actions for recovery of taxes 0A.`£WBA RIVER, collected ou second assessments made in Alabama to be free from toll ,..,,,. 5244 on alleged fraud ... 3225 CALIFORNIA, BUREAU (See respective titles aj) _ election of Representatives in 1874 24 of Education, in nterior Department. . .516-519 · judicial district of 531 of Military Justice, in Army, authorized . 1094 i district court in, terms of . 572 organization of . 1198-1203 adjournment of, by clerk in case of nonof the lint, establishment of; what em- attendance of judge ... 584 braced in .. 343 { mtermediate term of, in case of failure to Director of, appointment, term of office. . 343 I hold regular term .. 586 salary and expensu of .. . 344 j circuit court in, terms of . 658 clerks in, how appointed ... 345 special smions, appointmentand notice of 664 of National Currency .. 324-333 district attomey for, salary of . 770 Comptroller of Currency to be chief of. . 324fees allowed to clerk of circuit and district ex uses of, how paid .. 5173 courts in .. 840 of Iitvy Department, designation oi jurisdictiorilxtflfisciibstrict courts of, over certain 1957 each .. 419 cases in · to have custody of certain books, &c 420 Indian superintendent for tribes in 2046 chiefs of, how appointed ... 421 Indian agents in t 2052 who eli ible for . 421-426 persons to be included in census .. 2188 estimates for, to be furnished to Secretary surveyoneeneral for .. 2207 by chiefs .. 430 salary 0 2210, 2211 staff officers who have been chiefs of, ex- nooks and records in oliite of, and authengmpl; from duty .,., 1436 tication of copies ... 2229 title and relative rank of chiefs of ... 1471 transcript from records oi, under seal, to relative rank of chief of, when line officer he evidence ... , ·------- 2224 below rank of commodore .. 1472 punishment for altering, destroying maps, of officers retired from chief of .. 1473 &c., in, or fraudulently placing maps, my of chiefs of _____________ _ ________,_ 1565 &c., among archives of . .5411, 5412 of Statistics, establishing 334 additional fees of registers and receiveps 22% urpose of .,..,.._,_,_,___ 335 in ,,________________________ par,, . Bnnual report of commerce and naviga-boundaries of land districts in ... 2. . . . 2256 (lou by Chief of ____________________ 336 » public lands in, withdrawn fmm pr; vow quarterly returns to, by collectors of cus- , entry, how opened to entry . :. . 2367 toms, of facts relating to commerce ‘ rates for survey of certain public lands in. 2405 and navigation 337 l gzeodetic surveys in, may be continued . 2409 annual re rt on commerce and naviga- departure from rectangular mode of survey- tion, by Chief of, what to contain as mg in .. I ... . .. 2410 to constwiee trade .. 338 surveying in, may be paid for by day, when. 24ll monthly reports of exports and imports , limitation upon grant of swamp-lands to to be published hy Chief of . 339 _ State of .-. 2479 annual statement of vessels, by Chief of. 340 _ certainiands selected by, confirmed to 2485 annual statementof merchandi·e, hy(`h1ef | restriction upon grants to, for school purof ...-----...---·----------------. 341 poses ..---.----·-------------- 2485