Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1278

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]2()5 INDEX. Soctbn. Section. COHIIEBCIAL Agouts—C0ntinued. _ COIESSABIES SUBSISTENCE to be collected 1H United States com, or (Army)TCont1nued. its vglug in (>Xchg]igg_ _ _ _ _ __________ 1746 DgPgy{mgn§—( 0"tinugd_ e for verification of invoices, &c ____,____,_ 2851 officers gf, not to- gellggrticlgg except on penalty for embezzlement by . 1734 V account of United states .. _., 1150 for neglect of duty __________,,_________ E pumhgggg by, not to egqggd pggggsitigg of “’ S°"“""‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ l1é? · W" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4 ;,;—;,,g g;,;.;.;..;;; 5; ‘‘‘‘‘‘ SH for false certificate as to property ... l provisions conc 1 · .. not to have diplomatic functions, unlem ex- _ COMMISSION T0 TAEE TESTI- pressly authorized . :1738, 5330 {CNY. ($0e Deposwlwna.) _ compensation of, when exercising d1plo— for use in c·0urts in foreign countries, prornatic functions 1739 , ceedmgs ... 4071—40[4 salary of, term during which payable . 1740 power to compel ·Wl1'.D05€S to attend . . 845 in case of absence from post _______,__ ,_ 1742 in foreign countries for use in this oountry_ 875 absent from posi; without save, &c _,,.,.. 1741 Qourt of Claims may issue 1075 compensation of, to be in full for S€1’ViC€$· . 1743 111 b¤·¤k1'¤Pl·€Y @$95 --—--—·---—----------· 500:} stationery, books, to be provided . 1748 111 01h6P 08898 ·-----·-··· · ·----·--··----- 863-870 dying in foreign countries, allowance to COMEISSIONEB OF AGRICULTURE, widow, Of ____________ _ __________ _ _ 1749 appointment and salary of 521 may perform notarial acts; various pro· may appoint employes, &c ... 523 visions relating thereto . 1750 chief clerk ... _ .-~------------------ , - 523 mymgpoudsuce by, with newspapers, pro- bond of, and of chief clerk . .. 524 hibired ________________________.,,. 1751 to have custody of property, &c ... 525 President may prescribe regulations for . . . 1752 duties of ... . 526 to administer oaths to invoices, certify 2843- seeds, plants, &c., may be purchased .. 527 2845 annual reports of 528 invoices, when to be produced to . 2854 to direct expenditures for department . 3677 declaration of persons producing 2855 COKKISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, when to transmit copy of ... 2857 appointment and salary .. 316 to report fraudulent verification of .. 2863 duties ... . ... 317 judicial authority in uncivilized countries report to Secretary of Treasury ... 318 (see Lburular (`huris) ..._... 4088 customs officers oaths transmitted to .. 2618 merchant seamen engaged in presence of . . 4517 bonds oi, to be aplprovcd by 2620 falsely certifying invoice, to which cer- to state account an certify to Solicitor of tificate is required (see (`ommlar 0171- Treasury when certain public oflioers ous) .. 5442 fail to ren er account or pay over COMMERCIAL INTERCOUESE, (See , public money .. 3625 Commerce and .\`a1-igation.) i to lay before Congress annually an abstract between States in case of rebellion when to of fees and emoluments and expendicease (see Immrrectitm) . 5301 l tures of collectors, naval officers and in loyal States, parts of which are in con- surveyors _________________________ 2639 trol of insurgents .. 5302 ‘ certain public contracts to be deposited to whom prohibition extends . 5303 with, within ninety days after their limited trade may belicensed by President. 5304 date ,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,__,,,,_. 3743 officers may beappointed to carry into effect COIKISSIONER OF EDUCATION, licenses and other provisions ... 5305 Appointment, salary, and duties . 517, 518 trading without license ... 5306 COMMISSIONERS T0 FOREIGN investigations to detect fraud .,...,_,. , , , , 5307 COUNTRIES, COM`MI?SABI.,ES OF SUBSISTENCE compensption of, to bethree-fourths amount 16 V Y , al owed to minister 70 Commiss¤ry—Gensra.1, rank of .. 1140 OOKKISSIONEB OF FISHERIES, BPDOin1H16M 8Hd SG19ct10D Of ... 1193 appointment, qualification, salary, and du- President, may increase bonds of ________ 3639 ties ,_____,___,,,_,___,., _ ,____, 4395, 4396 one of commissioners for Soldiers Home. 4815 departments to aid investigations of ... 4397 Commissaries, number and rank of .. 1140 may take fish, &c., notwithstanding laws of acting assistant, pav of . 1261 Swiss _____________ j _______________ 4398 articles purchased from, on credit, by ofii- COHIISSIONEB OF GENERAL WFS 3mi 111911 ·--·... 1299, 1300 LAND 0FFIGE,(See Lands, Public.) one for each brigade of militia called into appointment and galary _ _________________ 446 service of Ynitcd States 1641 duties of in case or unwise, Aw _,____,,_... 453 1I9d11i0i' of 11111418 by, fC1H1d by Ccurt general duties of ,,__,_,,,,,__,_,__,__,,,. 453 gf Clginig U) be without fault, (,0 bg custody Of seal Of office ___________________ 45-} _ allowed by accounting officer 1059,1062to audit public-land accounts and certify to acting assistant, psy of . 1261First Comptrollcr . 269, 456 Commmsary stores, proceeds of certain to make plats otp land surveved, and give sales, not to he covered into Treasury- 3618 information as to public lands .. 455 disposal of proceeds of, to officers ... 3692 ‘ returns as to public lands to he made to . . . 456 partrncnt, established . .. 1094 duties of, as survevor-general. . .. ..·... 2219 crganrzaticri and rank .. 1140 copies of plats survcved to he transmitted gppglntmgntg pyiynlotigng in, Bug. tr), hy guy·vgy0;g-ggngra] _____ _ ______ pendcd until ·..---·-·..-·---·- 1194 rcceivcrr of public nwncrs to make returns Officgrg gf, {0 give bonds' _______________ ‘ t0_ _ _ _________ _ _ _ j _ _ ______ _ _ _______ to purchase and issue rations to Army. . . 11-11 to establish maximum charges for survey, post commissary-serzcants for .. 1112 1 &c., of mining claims `. . 2334 tolratmn cgi-operat1ni%r(;ax·al detschments. 11-13to make rules for sale, &c., oi cosl;l:in<i¤. . . 2351 safes, yo oem o , o csignated articles. 11421 to hx minimum price for reservations a ions to officers in the field ... 114o ‘ brought into market . .. 2364