Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1456

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1384 mnsx. Section. Section. `UNLADING (of vc•se1n)—Coutinued. VACA.NCIE8—Continued. of merchandise taken from rts on north- officer temporarily filling, not to receive ern, &c., frontiers to gin open day, extra compensation 182 except, &c . 3120 in office of district judge, continuance of vessels on Eake Michigan may uulade with- process, &c 602 out obtaining permits, under certain . in States containing two or more districts, regulations (new) .. 3120how court may be held .,,.. 603 masters of vessels with cargo or passengers in office of Chief Justice of United States -. 675 from foreign ports to obtain permit district attorney or marshal, how filled before . 3121 temporarily ... 793 provisions concerning unlading vessels from within what time President to nominate British North American Provinces. . . 3129 persons to fill ._ 1768 UNLAWFUL COMIBINATIONS, occurring during recess of Senate, President when to be suppressed by use of land and may Hll temporarily 1769 naval forces , .. 5299 in office of collector of internal revenue ,,__ 3149 UNPAID LETTERS, postmaster, Postmaster-General may place shall be sent to Dead—Letter Omce 3937 office in charge of special agent .. 3836 UNREGISTERED VESSEL, VACATION (of courts), sailing on sea-letter to be furnished with orders, dao., in, by district judge, in admirpnwport, when . . .. 4308 alty and equity causes ...__, 574 UNSEAWOBTHY VESSELS, by judges of circuit court in equity .. 638 complaints of, by officer, crew, dw 4556 circuit judge to exercise powers of court in, surveying of, &c . 4557 under laws relating to elections _____ 20]:: penalty for refusing to proceed, after com- judges to exercise powers of bankruptcy plaint found untrue 4558 court in ,.,.,._, 4973, 4986 complaint, survey, report, &c., in foreign VEHICLE, port .. 4559 meaning of, as used in statutes ,_.,.___,___ 4 discharge of seamen from, by consul, &c., 4561 VLLLEJO, CAL., payment of in pection in foreign port .. 4562 vessels going to or from, how to report 2584 lty for refusing to pay seamen on, &c- 4563 entry of merchandise for, where made,

ED LIME, powers of deputy collector at ... 2824

penalty for shipping, without notice of VALUABLE LETTERS, character .. . ... 4288 disposition of, in Dead-Letter Officc ... 3938 UTAH TERRITORY, VENIRE FACIAS, provisions common to all Territories (see writ of, for jurors, how issued, served, and Territories) . 1839-1895 returned ... , ,, 803 establishment and boundaries of .. 1897 VEN’.I.'ILATOB8, judicial power in, how vested .. 1866,1907 on vessels carrying other than cabin paswrits of error and a peals in, to Supreme sengers between Europe and United Court of United States. . . . .. 1909 States ...,,.,. , 4257 district courts in, as circuit and district penalty for failure to provide ..,,. 4259 courts of United States, &c . 1910 VERDICT, judicial districts iu, how organized, &c 1913 finding by circuit court on facts, when jury assignment of judges and terms of court .. 1916 waived _,, , , , _ _ 649 number of members of council and house of when, may be for offense included in that representatives of .. 1922 charged, &c ,,._ 1035 justices of peace in, limit of jurisdiction 1926 may be as to part of several indicted tocontingent expenses ot executive depart- gether 1036 , ment in, annual appropriation for. . . 1935 VE CATION, legislative expenses of, provision for ... 1939 of registration and voting lists . 2016, 2026 mileage of members of legislature . 1942 knowingly givir:5 false information for, seat of government of, how changed ... 1944 how punish . 5523_ reservation of public Tands for school pur- of passports, how authorized ... 40754078 poses in ... 1946 of claims in bankruptcy ... 5077-5080 library for . .. 1953 V (customs), appointment of Indian agents for tribes at New York ...,..,, 2539 in . ... 2052compensation of . 2745 persons included in enumeration of inhalr not to engage in business ,,,,_ 2941 itants of . - . 2188 _ VERMONT, surveyor-general for . .. 2207, 2210 . judicial district of .,.. 531 fifty per cent. addition to certain fees ofterms of district court in .. 572 registers and receivers in ... 2238 of circuit court in ... , .. 658 boundaries of land-district in, established, , petit jury not to be summoned in district p. 413, 2256 court unless, &c ,.,,__,, 807 grand jury to be charged by circuit court V. in, as to crimes, &c., cognivable by , district court . .__,_ 818 VACANCIES, 1 how recognirance of witness taken in .. 890 in office of Senator ... 16,17 collection district of, what to comprise Representative or Delegate . 26 I ports of entry and delivery in ... 2525 salarv of Member or Delegate elected to iill . 51 officers in; residence oi collector 2526 in offices of President and Vice·President, President may establish ports of delivery in 2525 who shall act in case of . 146 additional inspectors for collection district notification of, to governors .. . .. 147 Q of . 2605 elections to fill 149,150 VESSELS, (See Shana- Iimela.) in departments, how filled ... 177-179 Various provisions concerning, in following temporary appointments to fill ... 180, 181 , chaptersand titles (which see);