Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1457

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INDLX. 1 385 . sw"""- Scotia. VESB§LB—Contmued._ VESBELS—(‘ontinued. B•s¤¢ry md 1‘¤<=¤r‘d¤¤¢ ---.---.. 4181-4196 scslcd, penalty for taking. to other ports, ¤l¤¤¤w¤ Mr}! ¤¤*¤‘y -.----.. 4197-4218 unloadin and sellin contents .. 3104 Tonnggo duties _ . 4 2l9—4227 for breaking iock and sedh .. 3105, 3106

;¤¤g duties ..   reports of foreign vessels in ballast .. 3109

"8° ; ---·------- - --—--------· 0 1'€p0r‘t Certain sea—stores urchased and

 of passengers and mer- pay duties in certain cages ... 3011-3013

Log b432nd1m .. :252-42233 to pay duties on certain equipments and · _ ... _ ... 290-4 rc rs ..--...-- 3114 Beguletmns for suppression of piracy. 42;; of (see Manifest:) .. 3116;giig _ _ un in . .. 3119 31 Summary tual: for offenses other grovisions respecting vessels in ’ 20 against laws .. 4300-4305 trade on northern frontiers .. 3121-3125 Begulatxons cf, m formgn commerce .43064310 master of, departing from places where there in dorpcstic commerce 4311-4390 is no cu¤¢,0m.h0nse gn deliver mnni- Ealasgunsé . . . . :391-4398 l _ t fee? on arrival at port of destination. 3122 - _ srs -...-.~...·.. 399-4500 regis e , ms cu c in trade between _ rcujrectxng merchant-seamen . 4501-4612 l domestigportiuvgith privilege to touch rnclu cs_wh¤t ... 3 [ at foreign ports under certain regula- Jurisdmtwn of courts for enforcement of {june_ _________________________ ,3126 3127 penalties pnder laws in relatioln to I entry and unlsding of, from Canada and ’ carnage 0 passengers in mere ant- · other provinces b ermission of Sec- _ vessels - - - ; ---- _ -------...-. C l. 5. -629, 4270 retary of Treasuryyiijnder regulations_ 3129 senzure rgogn igotlagcnagg law and pro- 923 pensltgufcgsfgisely izmting, &c., “United B . · ai ," c., on, ______________ costs, Iégtvybtiaxleddwhen claimant’s right 9 9 for carrying persons acting as private let.- 3979 is is e . 1 _ 7 ter-ex resses in 3983 awards of foreign vonsuls, &c., in differ- may be searched for lettorsillegally carried. 3989 ences between captains and crews of. 728 not to make entry until delivery of letters. 3988 consular officers to keep record of, &c . 1708 mailable matter conveyed 'by, to be deposforfeiture of, for violatwn of laws relating [ ited in post-office .,,..,,,,,.,.. 4016 to Al¤Sk8. . . 1955-1971of United States, what deemed _______ __ 413] for unlawfully carrying away 1ive·oak, to be such only while owned wholly by . he ,...,..,. 2462-2463 citizens .,. 4131 and boats used in landing merchandise officers of, must be citizens ,____________ 4131 entered for drawback .. 3049 ‘ taking foreign {fag during rebellion not when locks, dzc., unlawfully removed. . . 3106 to be ...,.. 4135 for conniving at fraud with reference to ‘ wrecked vessels may become, when . 4136 drawback on pirits 3330 [ nationalization of certain vessels owned customs-officers not to own, &c ,., 2638 by residents of Alaska ...,,...,. 4140 revenue·cutter officers to board, &c ... 2760 not to have privileges of uulem new regnot employed in revenue service carrying ister taken when required. ... 4169,4170 ensign, &c., of, penalty 2764 I unless number marked on main-beam, not to bring-to, when required by revenue-cutr to be .. 4177 tor, &c 2765 r what, are entitled to registry ,_________ 4132.4136 entry of, and reports of master at ports of tonnage, how measured .. 4153 arrival (see Entry of Vessels) . 2770-2866 of foreign vessels ... 4154 provisions concerning revenue-marine ves- name of registered vessel, and port to which eels (see Revenue Marine) 2747-2765 belong, to be painted on stern .. 4178 bound to ports of delivery, where to enter- 2772 not to be changed .. 4179 where vessels from foreign ports may enter to be certified fore registry . ; . 4149 and unlwde ... . 2770 of recorded vessel, change of, to be inmanifests of (see Manifesto) 2806-2815 dorsed on certificate of record.;.-... 4183 penalty for illefl departure from ports of steam-vessels to be painted on pilotnamed w en conveying dutrable house and wheel-house ...,. 4495 goods . 2828 when cosstwjse, and on great lakes subject provisions respecting unluding (sec Un- i»0l1¤Vlg&ti0ll laws ... - ...,_ 4401 lading) .. . . 2867-2898 bound on voyage across Atlantic to be proinspectors to be put on board ... 2875 _ vided Vifltll water and provisions 4564 opening, breaking, etc., anv, containing shipping commissioners to examine as to merchandise imported for transports- 2998 ppvlslpns aénd water on, when comtion _.. um 18 ms c .. 4565-4567 when liable to seizure by customs officers. when lrien {upon; nat inyalidated by assign- 505 men in an ru c · 2 searches, &c., of, by customs omcers, where 4 to be detained with caligdes in certain cases and when made, accom to, &c .. 3067 in insurrectionary districts until dumuster of, obstructin officer, dsc., penalty. 3068 tics paid, &c ... 5315 articles in cabin enc? other places separate not to be taken from customs officers unless from cargo, duty of customs officers 3069 _ hby procsss ofacou1£..._-.}{...6 . i_, 5316 rg in ___________________ _ _____ ums men o ca m, c., w en n i- liability gfcmasger for breaking, &c., locks P _ gencc, 8gc.,hfe isdestroyed. 39, 5344 and hqgningg ___________ ; ________ _ 3070 mahcious beating, imprisomng, &c., o crew, subject to penalty &c., for violation of rev- withholding_ suitable food, inflicting enue laws, how proceeded against. . . 3088 unusual punishments  : - . 5347 engaged in commerce with contiguous 102 endeavobrgngd to make revolt or mutggyg 5360 · ___________ __ a a o ..

 ____ _ _______ ___, 3103 , attacking, with intent tg plunder _________ , 536]